animal breeding|ansc3500

This class was created by Brainscape user Wellison Diniz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Syllabus Overview
What building is dr diniz located in,
True or false attendance will not...
14  cards
Introduction to Animal Breeding
Genetic gain is,
The three studies of genetics are,
Who is the founder of animal bree...
39  cards
Breeding Equation & Genotype by environment interaction
What is the basic breeding equation,
What does p mean in the p g e,
What does g mean in the p g e
27  cards
Review - Genetics and Modes of Gene action
In terms of breeding how do you d...,
A chromosome is,
Chromosomes are found in ________...
29  cards
Mendelian Inheritance and Punnett Square
In p g e what is the newly expand...,
What are the three mendelian laws,
What does the law of segregation ...
14  cards
Population Genetics
Define probability,
What is the equation for p event,
There is a 500 head cow herd400 a...
43  cards
Defining Traits and Quantitative Traits
Define trait,
Define phenotype,
Define monogenic trait
33  cards
Genetic Model for Quantitative Traits
Remember the goal of animal breed...,
What is the genetic equation that...,
__________ is the source for gene...
22  cards
Heritability and Repeatability
Define heritability,
If heritability is __________ the...,
The three main causes of genetic ...
20  cards
Relationship and Pedigree
What does it mean when animals ar...,
What are the two reasons why it s...,
Define pedigree
11  cards
Genetic Prediction
Define heritability,
What is the equation for ebv using b,
Define mass selection
25  cards
Define accuracy of selection,
In dairy _____________ is another...,
What is a basic way of explaining...
17  cards
Methods of Selection
What are the two pieces of data w...,
Define selection,
Selection should target _________...
33  cards
Response to Selection & Correlated Response
What are the four methods of gene...,
What does s stand for,
Define selection differential
38  cards
Mating Strategies and Heterosis
Define crossbreeding,
What are the four methods of cros...,
Are heterosis and hybrid vigor th...
30  cards
Define outbreeding,
An f1 cross is __________________...,
Define crossbreeding
19  cards
Biotechnologies Applied to Animal Breeding
What is the general goal of anima...,
What are two general tools that c...,
What else can reproductive techno...
42  cards

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animal breeding|ansc3500

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