This class was created by Brainscape user Jack Carson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Skeletal System
What are the 4 reasons why bones ...,
What type of tissue is bone,
What are the four primary functio...
26  cards
Joints and Ligaments
What is syndesmology arthrology,
Are all joints mobile,
What tissue unites the bones of a...
55  cards
Muscular System
What are the 3 results of movemen...,
How do muscles relate to blood ci...,
What is the benefit of muscles ge...
167  cards
Integumentary System
What is the integumentary system,
What molecule in the integumentar...,
In what ways does the integumenta...
150  cards
Cardiovascular System
What does the cardiovascular include,
What is the term to describe the ...,
What are arteries
159  cards
Male Reproductive System Anatomy
What is urology,
What is andrology,
What is endocrinology
125  cards
Male Reproductive System Physiology
What are the two cell types in th...,
What type of shape do the seminif...,
Where do the sustentacular cells ...
74  cards
Female Reproductive System Anatomy
What is the site of oogenesis and...,
What is the site of fertilization,
What is the powerful smooth muscl...
78  cards
Female Reproductive System Physiology
How is a cotyledonary placenta at...,
What side of the cotyledonary pla...,
How is a diffuse placenta attache...
75  cards
Pregnancy and Parturition
What is pregnancy,
What is gestation,
What are the four phases of gesta...
104  cards
Mammary System
What type of organ is the mammary...,
What is successful lactation requ...,
What are monotremes
111  cards
Avian Anatomy and Physiology
What is the purpose of the digest...,
How is the avian digestive system...,
Why are the two reasons the avian...
15  cards

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animal science

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