ap english language and composition

This class was created by Brainscape user amb pin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Vocabulary 1: Meanings
What is facetious,
What is ostentatious,
What is optimum
10  cards
Vocabulary 2: Meanings
What is instigate,
What is rudimentary,
What is resilient
10  cards
Rhetoric Notes
What is the first meaning of rhet...,
What is the second meaning of rhe...,
What goes at the top of the rheto...
55  cards
"Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God" Reading Check
Name some words edwards uses to d...,
Name the personification edwards ...,
What does edwards describe in the...
22  cards
"The Minister's Black Veil" Reading Check
Where is this story set,
What were the salem witchcraft tr...,
What is a sexton
72  cards
"The Scarlet Letter" Reading Check: Part 1
Where was boston s first prison h...,
Where was boston s first burial g...,
What does hawthorne refer prison ...
50  cards
"The Scarlet Letter" Reading Check: Part 2
How did pyrnne behave as she re e...,
What was the name of the man who ...,
What does prithee mean
62  cards
"The Scarlet Letter" Reading Check: Part 3
Who was dimmesdale visiting among...,
Did the sunshine run away from he...,
What was the myth going around re...
7  cards
"Argumentation and Persuasion": Reading Check
What are considered the fraternal...,
What is the difference between ar...,
What determines what tactic argum...
29  cards
"The Awakening": Reading Check
What was the green and yellow par...,
Who was the only one that could u...,
What day was it when the book began
60  cards
Chapter 9 Vocabulary Learning Check
What does bolster mean,
What does depreciate mean,
What does indiscriminate mean
10  cards
"Singer Solution to World Poverty": Reading Check
Who wrote singer solution to worl...,
When was singer solution to world...,
Who is peter singer
18  cards
"Definition" Reading Check
What does the word definition mean,
When are using definitions useful,
What are the first two steps in u...
16  cards
Chapter 10 Vocabulary Learning Check
What is autonomy,
What is bureaucratic,
What is mandate
10  cards
Chapter 11 Vocabulary Learning Check
What is liability,
What is clandestine,
What is incongruous
10  cards
"The Great Gasby" Reading Check
When does,
Where does the book take place,
Who does nick have dinner with at...
13  cards
Chapter 12 Vocabulary Learning Check
A an,
10  cards
Chapter 13 Vocabulary Learning Check
10  cards

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ap english language and composition

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