This class was created by Brainscape user Ryan Hannah. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Transplant (1/4)
What was the first anti rejection...,
T f serologic evidence of cmv inf...,
When assessing donor infection ri...
50  cards
Tranplant (2/4)
If doing a parent to child 15 kg ...,
Adult to adult living liver donat...,
Residual liver volume of living d...
50  cards
Transplant (3/4)
After the removal of the ________...,
After clamps are removed in the n...,
Reperfusion is the first stage of...
50  cards
Transplant (4/4)
______________ heart transplant t...,
With heterotopic heart transplant...,
Heterotopic heart transplants are...
48  cards
OB (1/10)
What are the different hormones i...,
During pregnancy the heart moves ...,
What is normal co during pregnancy
50  cards
OB (2/10)
Total blood volume during pregnan...,
Why is there a prominent increase...,
Average blood loss with vaginal d...
50  cards
OB (3/10)
Pregnant women experience what mu...,
Mac of inhaled anesthetics ______...,
What hormones increase the pregna...
50  cards
OB (4/10)
Oxygen uptake in fetus is _______...,
Fetal circulation directs oxygena...,
Describe the flow of fetal circul...
50  cards
OB (5/10)
S e of terbutaline for tocolysis,
__________________ is a tocolytic...,
Use of magnesium in ob
50  cards
OB (6/10)
Fetal hr can be dopplered as earl...,
What are the 2 worst things you c...,
Cause of variable deceleration
50  cards
OB (7/10)
An epidural test dose consists of...,
If your epidural catheter is in t...,
If your epidural catheter is in t...
50  cards
OB (8/10)
A pt with pre eclampsia is on a m...,
What are the s sx of magnesium to...,
When you place the early epidural...
50  cards
OB (9/10)
A pt with a placenta previa shoul...,
T f a parturient with a placenta ...,
_______________ is painless vagin...
50  cards
OB (10/10)
Complications of neuraxial analgesia,
Epidural analgesia can prolong wh...,
You performed a combined spinal e...
57  cards
Heart Failure
A complex pathophysiologic state ...,
What are the two most common symp...,
List different etiologies of hear...
49  cards
T f cardiomyopathy is usually rel...,
What is primary cardiomyopathy,
What is secondary cardiomyopathy
36  cards
Pericardial Disease & Cardiac Trauma
What are the three most common re...,
A stiff fibrous membrane that att...,
What is the pericardial sac
41  cards
Blood, Anemia
What are the components of the cp...,
What is the purpose of citrat,
What are the benefits of componen...
42  cards
Blood Products and MBT
Why transfuse platelets,
How are platelets separated from ...,
T f abo compatibility is required...
36  cards
Risks of Blood Product Administration
What is nat testing,
35 of exposed patients will devel...,
Commonly mild presentation 85 of ...
42  cards

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ap iii

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