This class was created by Brainscape user Jacob Fresia. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Trade In Afro-Eurasia
Who were the mongols,
Name the chinese dynasties in order,
How did the mongols affect econom...
29  cards
European Overseas Empires
What was the motivation behind eu...,
What are some examples of cash crops,
What did the portuguese rely on i...
49  cards
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
What was chattel slavery,
What was manumission,
What was the middle passage
12  cards
Resistance To Europeans
What are some ways europeans conq...,
What are groups the europeans opp...,
Who was queen ana nazinga
12  cards
Pre-Modern Eurasian States
What was moscow,
What was a yasak,
What was russification
39  cards
Changes In Religions (1450-1750)
What was europe like religiously ...,
Who and what did a german monk do...,
What s an example of an abuse by ...
23  cards
Science & Enlightenment
What did europeans see the univer...,
What were characteristics of the ...,
What were many enlightenment foll...
16  cards
The Atlantic Revolutions
What were some enlightenment idea...,
What s the context of the north a...,
What were the causes of the north...
26  cards
Echos Of Revolution (1750-1900)
What is nationalism,
Prior to the 1800s what were nati...,
What two major european states fo...
17  cards
“Industry Begins” (1750-1900)
What are the main ideas behind in...,
What was the main,
What are the main ideas behind in...
37  cards
Comparing Industrialization
What was russia like in the 1800s,
What was a result of russia losin...,
What were the eff
30  cards
Imperialism In The 1800s
What are the differences between ...,
What are the differences between ...,
What are the differences between ...
48  cards
Asia In The Age Of Imperialism
What s the context of the ottoman...,
What were some of the early refor...,
How successful was tanzimat withi...
64  cards
The Great War & Great Depression
What were the main causes of ww1,
How was militarism a main cause o...,
What was the alliance system
36  cards
WW2 & Aftermath
What was the historical context o...,
What began ww2,
What were the effects of japan s ...
19  cards
Communism In The USSR & China
Who developed revolutionary socia...,
What is the model of a communist ...,
What did communists view their mo...
49  cards
The Cold War (1945-1989)
What was the cold war,
How did communism expand in europ...,
Which european countries did russ...
43  cards
The End Of Empires
Why did almost every colony in af...,
What is national self determination,
What s the global south
56  cards
Global Society 1945-Present
What was post ww2 globalization,
What are some examples of neolibe...,
What is an example of investment ...
75  cards

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ap world shes

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