This class was created by Brainscape user Rob Durling. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Uk commercial estate,
Landlord and tenant act 1988,
Rics prof statement code for leas...
12  cards
Rics global professional ethical ...,
Principles for better regulation,
Rics rules of conduct for members...
61  cards
How do you ensure your working en...,
What is the value of diversity
2  cards
Health & Safety
What would you do in advance of g...,
Talk me through cbres loan workin...,
Difference between a risk and a h...
10  cards
How would you make sure your lase...,
What is zoning is it a basis of m...,
How would you measure land
14  cards
Difference between full repairing...,
How do you identify prime pitch,
Please talk me through a risk ass...
19  cards
Business Planning
How can business planning help a ...,
What are the essential elements o...,
Why is cross collaboration important
4  cards
Data Management
Difference between gdpr and data ...,
What are the 7 principles of gdpr,
What can you tell me about the gd...
8  cards
Inclusive Environments
Can you explain why you think hav...,
What can you tell me about the eq...,
Can you give me some of the prote...
3  cards
Accounting Principles
Difference between p l and balanc...,
What standards are you aware of,
What is a balance sheet
6  cards
Can you talk me through what you ...,
What changes are predicted for mees,
If you breach mees what happens
8  cards
Leasing and Letting
Can you please tell me what the c...,
Please name some lease terms that...,
What are the 4 requirements of a ...
15  cards
Conflict Avoidance
What methods of dispute resolutio...,
What methods of alternative dispu...,
What are the benefits of alternat...
10  cards
Communication and Negotiation
Did you have to do anything diffe...,
Why do you follow up with written...,
How have you communicated effecti...
5  cards
Client Care
What is cbres complaints handing ...,
What would you define as good cli...,
Can you give me an example of whe...
5  cards
What is an internal valuer,
What is an external valuer,
What is a yield and how is it cal...
51  cards
Submission Referenced
5 rules of conduct,
Cbre chp,
Code for leasing business premise...
16  cards
Development Appraisals
What is the difference between re...,
Describe a typical development ap...,
Sensitivity analysis
29  cards
Prime city rent,
Prime we rent,
Prime city yield
18  cards

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