apc quantity surveying 2024

This class was created by Brainscape user Umair Alam. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Ethics, Rules of Conduct & Professionalism
What is the rics motto,
What is the rics mission statement,
When was the rics founded
56  cards
Client Care
What is client care,
Can you give an example of when y...,
Why is client care important for ...
29  cards
Communication and Negotiation
What forms of communication are y...,
What are the barriers to effectiv...,
Please explain to me your approac...
9  cards
Health and safety
What health and safety laws are y...,
What regulations underpin the hswa,
57  cards
Accounting principles and procedures
What is accounting,
Name some common universal accoun...,
What is the purpose of having sta...
31  cards
Business planning
What is alban s business plan,
Why is business planning important,
What the different types of busin...
9  cards
Conflict Avoidance, Management and Dispute Resolution Procedures
Name some methods of alternative ...,
Name some formal methods of dispu...,
What would you consider prior to ...
18  cards
Data Management
What is gdpr,
What is gdpr,
What is the uk s implementation o...
17  cards
What is sustainability,
What are the key principles of su...,
What are the common environmental...
15  cards
Why is it important to tailor how...,
What different roles are there in...,
Why is diversity important
8  cards
Design Economics and Cost Planning
What is design economics,
Explain to me your understanding ...,
Explain the same for circulation ...
54  cards
Contract Practice
What is a contract,
What is the difference between an...,
What is quantum meruit
49  cards
Construction Technology and Environmental Sciences
What is substructure,
What are foundations and name the...,
What are the factors that influen...
18  cards
Procurement and Tendering
What is procurement,
What are the factors affecting pr...,
What are the main methods of proc...
52  cards
Project financial control and reporting
What is a cost report,
What is the format of a cost report,
How often are cost reports prepared
30  cards
Quantification & Costing of Construction Works
What is the full title of nrm1,
Why was nrm introduced,
What is the structure of nrm1
25  cards
Contract Administration
What is nomination,
What is a named sub contractor,
Can the contractor object to a no...
25  cards
Risk Management
What is risk management,
What is a risk,
What are the aspects of risks
17  cards
Case Study
What alternative option did the p...,
What is the risk involved in usin...,
On your first key issue you menti...
13  cards

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apc quantity surveying 2024

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