apologia physical science

This class was created by Brainscape user Marcia Young. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Module 1 Test
A well supported in depth explana...,
What metric unit measures length,
Tentative explanation for an obse...
14  cards
Module 2 Test
What type of change occurs when w...,
Sugar is a substance made of thre...,
A substance that has little tende...
15  cards
Module 3 Test
Who was the first to argue that a...,
What is a unique characteristic f...,
What does the law of conservation...
21  cards
Module 4 Test
A chemical bond formed between op...,
The force of attraction between m...,
What is the chemical formula for ...
14  cards
Module 5 Test
When do single place reactions oc...,
Describe decomposition reactions,
Roman numerals with transition me...
16  cards
Module 6 Test
Speed is defined as the ratio of ...,
How do you calculate average speed,
What does a horizontal flat line ...
19  cards
Module 7 Test
State newton s second law of motion,
State newton s third law of motion,
What is the formula for kinetic f...
16  cards
Module 8 Test
What does the power of a machine ...,
Describe two ways a machine can m...,
Work is done when what takes place
22  cards
Module 9 Test
In a transverse wave how does the...,
What happens to wavelengths when ...,
Do sound waves oscillate parallel...
14  cards
Module 10 Test
What does a diverging lens cause ...,
What happens to objects in water,
Which electromagnetic waves have ...
11  cards
Module 11 Test
The ability of a material to impe...,
Current that flows form the posit...,
Electron flow is ___ of the direc...
15  cards
Module 12 Test
Between what two regions or the e...,
List two formations that form fro...,
Any process that breaks down rock...
23  cards
Module 13 Test
Define temperature,
Region of the atmosphere where th...,
Temperature ___ with increasing a...
17  cards
Module 14 Test
Has all single bonds,
What elements do all biochemical ...,
Has at least one double bond
20  cards

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apologia physical science

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