AQA A-Level Chemistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Michaela Rabano. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (113)

Unit Conversions
Mg g,
Tonnes g,
Dm 3 m 3
5  cards
Amount of Substances: Definitions
Relative atomic mass,
Relative molecular mass,
5  cards
Amounts of Substances: Equations
Number of particles,
Number of moles mass,
11  cards
Amount of Substances: Reactions & Ions
Acid metal,
Acid base,
Water metal
9  cards
Amount of Substances: Mr of Gases & Volatile Liquids
Determining the mr of gases,
Determining the mr of volatile li...,
Avogadros law
3  cards
Amount of Substance: Titrations
What are titrations,
Making a standard solution,
Making a standard solution initia...
5  cards
Atomic Structure: Mass Spectrometry
Mass spectrometry,
Time of flight mass spectrometer ...,
8  cards
Atomic Structure: Equations
Kinetic energy velocity,
Time of flight
2  cards
Atomic Structure: Fundamental Particles - Atomic Models
John dalton,
Jj thompson
6  cards
Atomic Structure: Mass Number & Isotopes
Atomic number,
Mass number,
What are isotopes
5  cards
Atomic Structure: Fundamental Particles - Relative Charge & Mass
3  cards
Atomic Structure: Interpreting Mass Spectra
What is a mass spectrum,
What does a mass spectrum tell us,
What does the m z ratio tell us a...
5  cards
Atomic Structure: Electron Configuration - Shells & Orbitals
Electron shells energy levels,
Electron sub shells,
Electron sub shell orbitals
13  cards
Atomic Structure: Electron Configuration - Ionisation Energies
First ionisation energy,
Second ionisation energy,
Factors affecting ionisation ener...
6  cards
Bonding: Ionic Bonding
Definition of ionic bonding,
Compound ions,
Giant ionic lattices
7  cards
Bonding: Covalent & Dative Bonding
Definition of a covalent bond,
Drawing covalent bonds,
Definition of a dative co ordinat...
14  cards
Bonding: Metallic Bonding
Definition of metallic bonding,
Structure of metals,
Properties of metallic bonding me...
6  cards
Bonding: Charge Clouds
What are charge clouds,
Repulsion of charge clouds,
Valence shell electron pair repul...
3  cards
Bonding: Shapes of Molecules
Regular shapes,
Central atoms with 2 charge clouds,
Central atoms with 3 charge clouds
7  cards
Bonding: Bond Polarity
Definition of electronegativity,
Factors affecting electronegativity,
Trends in electronegativity acros...
13  cards
Bonding: Forces Between Molecules
Formation of van der waals forces,
Where do van der waals forces occur,
Factors affecting the strength of...
6  cards
Bonding: Properties of Materials
The four crystal structures,
Properties of giant ionic structures,
Properties of metallic structures
6  cards
Periodicity: Physical Properties of Period 3 Elements
Atomic radius trends across period 3,
Melting point trends across perio...,
Melting point trends across perio...
5  cards
Energetics: Enthalpy Change
What is enthalpy change,
What are the units of h,
What is standard enthalpy change
9  cards
Energetics: Bond Enthalpies
What is the definition of bond en...,
What is the definition of mean bo...,
Describe how enthalpy changes whe...
5  cards
Energetics: Calorimetry
What is a calorimetry experiment,
What is the equation for heat cha...,
What practical can we carry out t...
9  cards
Energetics: Hess' Law
Hess law
1  cards
Kinetics: Collision Theory
What is collision theory,
What is the definition of activat...,
Do most collisions result in a re...
3  cards
Kinetics: Maxwell–Boltzmann Distribution
What is a maxwell boltzmann distr...,
What does a standard maxwell bolt...,
What is the effect of increased t...
7  cards
Kinetics: Reaction Rates
What is the definition of the rat...,
What factors will increase the ra...,
What is the effect of temperature...
7  cards
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Nomenclature - Suffixes & Prefixes of Homologous Series
7  cards
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Nomenclature - Formulas
Different types of formulae,
Define empirical formula,
Define molecular formula
7  cards
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Nomenclature - Priority of Functional Groups
Order of functional groups
1  cards
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Nomenclature - Naming Organic Compounds
Count longest consecutive carbon ...,
Look for functional groups and de...
8  cards
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Nomenclature - Definitions
Define the term functional group,
Define the term homologous series
2  cards
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Reaction Mechanisms
What are reaction mechanisms,
What is homolytic fission,
What is heterolytic fission
6  cards
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Isomerism - Structural Isomerism
Define the term structural isomerism,
What are the three types of struc...,
What are chain isomers
6  cards
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Isomerism - E/Z Isomers
What is stereoisomerism,
What is e z isomerism,
7  cards
Alkanes: Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil
What are alkanes,
What is petroleum crude oil,
What is the general formula of an...
8  cards
Alkanes: Modification of Alkanes by Cracking
Why is cracking needed,
Define the term cracking,
What are the two types of cracking
5  cards
Alkanes: Combustion of Alkanes
What are alkanes used for,
Describe complete combustion of a...,
Describe incomplete combustion of...
14  cards
Alkanes: Chlorination of Alkanes
What are halogenoalkanes,
What are chloroalkanes,
How are halogenoalkanes formed fr...
12  cards
Halogenoalkanes: Ozone Depletion
Why is ozone beneficial,
What do cfcs do to the ozone layer,
Explain how cfcs destroy the ozon...
11  cards
Halogenoalkanes: Nucleophilic Substitution - Mechanisms
Do halogenoalkanes have polar bonds,
What are nucleophiles,
What common nucleophiles undergo ...
16  cards
Halogenoalkanes: Nucleophilic Substitution - Reactivity of Halogenoalkanes
What decides the reactivity of ha...,
How does reactivity change down t...,
What other factor can affect the ...
3  cards
Halogenoalkanes: Elimination Reactions
What are elimination reactions,
Describe the mechanism of an elim...,
Which conditions favour eliminati...
6  cards
Alkenes: Structure, Bonding & Reactivity
Are alkenes saturated or unsatura...,
Describe the bonding in alkenes,
Why is there no rotation about th...
4  cards
Alkenes: Addition Reactions of Alkenes
What are electrophiles,
What happens during an electrophi...,
Why do alkenes undergo electrophi...
15  cards
Alkenes: Addition Polymers
What are polymers,
How are addition polymers formed,
How do you draw the monomer
18  cards
Alcohols: Alcohol Production
What is the standard industrial m...,
Describe the hydration reaction o...,
Describe the mechanism for the re...
14  cards
Alcohols: Oxidation of Alcohols
What makes an alcohol primary,
What makes an alcohol secondary,
What makes an alcohol tertiary
12  cards
Alcohols: Testing for Oxidation of Alcohols Products
How do you test for primary secon...,
How do you distinguish between pr...,
What two chemicals can be used to...
5  cards
Organic Analysis: Identification of Functional Groups by Test-tube Reactions
How do you test for primary secon...,
How do you distinguish between pr...,
What two chemicals can be used to...
9  cards
Organic Analysis: Identification of Functional Groups by Test-tube Reactions Practicals
0  cards
Organic Analysis: Mass Spectrometry
What can mass spectrometry measure,
What is high resolution mass spec...,
How do you calculate atomic masse...
3  cards
Organic Analysis: Infrared Spectroscopy
What is infrared spectroscopy,
How does infrared spectroscopy work,
What factors affect the frequency...
13  cards
Chemical Equilibria: Le Chatelier's Principle
Define the term dynamic equilibria,
What is needed for dynamic equili...,
Describe reversible reactions
18  cards
Chemical Equilibria: Equilibrium Constant Kc for Homogeneous Systems
0  cards
Periodicity: Group 2, Alkaline Earth Metals - Trends
Describe the trend in atomic radi...,
Describe the trend in first ionis...,
Describe the trend in reactivity ...
5  cards
Periodicity: Group 2, Alkaline Earth Metals - Reactions with Water
Describe the change in oxidation ...,
Describe the general reaction bet...,
Give the reaction between magnesi...
5  cards
Oxidation, Reduction and Redox equations - Oxidation & Reduction Definitions
What does oxidation mean,
What does reduction mean,
What does an oxidising agent do
5  cards
Oxidation, Reduction and Redox Equations - Oxidation State Rules
What do oxidation states numbers ...,
How are oxidation states written,
Rule 1 os of atoms and elements
17  cards
Oxidation, Reduction and Redox Equations: Half-equations
What is a half equation,
How do you write a half equation ...,
Has a substance been oxidised or ...
6  cards
Rate Equations: Determination of Rate Equation - Measuring Rate
What is a reaction rate,
List various methods used to meas...,
What is continuous monitoring
10  cards
Rate Equations: Rate Equations
What is the rate equation,
Define the term order of reaction,
Define the term rate constant k
12  cards
Rate Equations: Rate Equations - Arrhenius Equation
What is the arrhenius equation,
What does the arrhenius constant ...,
Give the rearranged arrhenius equ...
6  cards
Rate Equations: Determination of the Rate Equation
What is the rate determining step,
When given a multi step reaction ...
2  cards
Rate Equations: Rate Equations - Calculations
0  cards
Optical Isomerism
What are stereoisomers,
What type of isomerism do optical...,
Why does stereoisomerism occur in...
16  cards
Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives: Carboxylic Acids and Esters - Carboxylic Acids
What functional group do carboxyl...,
What is the suffix for carboxylic...,
Are carboxylic acids weak or stro...
11  cards
Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives: Carboxylic Acids and Esters - Structure and Naming of Esters
What functional group do esters c...,
What organic compounds are esters...,
How do you name esters
6  cards
Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives: Carboxylic Acids and Esters - Uses of Esters
List the different uses of esters,
Why are esters used in flavouring...,
Why are esters used as solvents
4  cards
Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives: Carboxylic Acids and Esters - Reactions of Esters
What does hydrolysis mean,
What type of catalysts are used t...,
What conditions are needed for ac...
22  cards
Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives: Acylation - Acyl Chlorides
What functional group do acyl chl...,
What is the general formula for a...,
What is the suffix for acyl chlor...
21  cards
Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives: Acylation - Acid Anhydrides
How are acid anhydrides formed,
What is the suffix for acid anhyd...,
Which substances do you need to k...
14  cards
Aldehydes and Ketones: Formation, Structure and Nomenclature
What functional group do both ald...,
What is the difference in structu...,
What is the suffix for aldehydes ...
6  cards
Aldehydes and Ketones: Chemical Tests
Can aldehydes be oxidised,
Can ketones be oxidised,
Why are ketones not easily oxidised
12  cards
Aldehydes and Ketones: Reduction
What can aldehydes be reduced into,
What can ketones be reduced to,
What reducing agent is required f...
11  cards
Aldehydes and Ketones: Hydroxynitriles
What are hydroxynitriles,
Give the general structure of a h...,
What is the suffix for a nitrile ...
10  cards
Acids and Bases: Brønsted–Lowry Acid–Base Equilibria in Aqueous Solution
What are bronsted lowry acids,
What are bronsted lowry bases,
Give the general equation for the...
16  cards
Acids and Bases: Definition and Determination of pH
What is a ph scale,
Why is a logarithmic scale the ph...,
Give the equation for calculating ph
15  cards
Acids and Bases: The Ionic Product of Water, KW
How much does water dissociate,
Give the equation that shows the ...,
Give the expression for the equil...
13  cards
Acids and Bases: Weak Acids and Bases Ka for Weak Acids
Give the equilibrium for the diss...,
What constant do you use when cal...,
Give the ka expression
12  cards
Acids and Bases: pH Curves, Titrations and Indicators
0  cards
Acids and Bases: Buffer Action
Define the term buffer,
What does an acidic buffer contain,
What does a basic buffer contain
7  cards
Acids and Bases: Buffer Action - Calculating pH of Buffers
What equation is used to calculat...,
What are the different ways an ac...,
How do you calculate the ph of an...
5  cards
Aromatic Chemistry: Electrophilic Substitution
What type of mechanisms do benzen...,
Why do benzenes tend to undergo e...,
Draw a general mechanism for the ...
20  cards
Properties of Period 3 Elements and their Oxides: Reactions of Na & Mg With Water
Some period 3 elements react with...,
Describe the reaction between na ...,
Give the equation for the reactio...
8  cards
Properties of Period 3 Elements and their Oxides: Reactions With Oxygen
0  cards
Group 7, the Halogens: Trends in Properties
How do the boiling points of the ...,
Why does the boiling point of hal...,
How does the electronegativity of...
12  cards
Group 7, the Halogens: Uses of Chlorine and Chlorate(I)
What type of reaction occurs when...,
Define the term disproportionation,
Give the symbol equation for the ...
12  cards
Group 7, the Halogens: Trends in Properties - Tests for Halides
What reagent is used to test for ...,
What acid is used to acidify the ...,
Why does the solution need to be ...
14  cards
Group 7, the Halogens: Trends in Properties - Reducing Ability
What are halides,
What type of agents are halide io...,
How does the reducing ability of ...
21  cards
Group 7, the Halogens: Required Practical 4 (includes Group 2)
Which positive ions do you need t...,
What are the two ways of identify...,
Outline the steps of the sodium h...
21  cards
Thermodynamics: Born-Haber Cycles - Types of Enthalpies
Define the term lattice enthalpy ...,
Define the term lattice enthalpy ...,
Define the term standard enthalpy...
24  cards
Reactions of Ions in Aqueous Solution
0  cards
Transition Metals: General Properties of Transition Metals
What is a transition metal,
What are the ch,
Which transition metals have irre...
7  cards
Transition Metals: Substitution Reactions
What are complexes,
What is a ligand,
What is a co ordination number
20  cards
Transition Metals: Shapes of Complex Ions
What shapes can transition metal ...,
What type of isomerism can transi...,
What is the difference between ci...
11  cards
Transition Metals: Formation of Coloured Ions
How does colour arise in transiti...,
How can you measure the amount of...,
What is the speed of light in ms 1
8  cards
Transition Metals: Variable Oxidation States
Can transition metals exist in va...,
Which oxidation states can vanadi...,
Give each of the oxidation states...
23  cards
Transition Metals: Catalysts
What kind of catalysts can transi...,
Why are transition metals good ca...,
What is a heterogenous catalyst
21  cards
Reactions of Ions in Aqueous Solution: Colours & Solutions of Products
Full table,
Formula and colour of iron ii aqu...,
Formula and colour of copper ii a...
21  cards
Aromatic Chemistry: Bonding
What is an aromatic compound,
What is the formula for benzene,
Describe the structure of benzene
10  cards
Amino Acids, Proteins and DNA: Amino Acids
What functional groups do amino a...,
Do amino acids have acidic or bas...,
Why can amino acids act as acids
14  cards
Amino Acids, Proteins and DNA: Proteins
What are proteins,
Draw the structure of a general a...,
Draw the general equation for the...
12  cards
Amino Acids, Proteins and DNA: Proteins - Enzymes
What type of biological molecule ...,
Active sites of enzymes stereospe...,
How do drugs act as enzyme inhibi...
4  cards
Amino Acids, Proteins and DNA: Proteins - Thin-Layer Chromatography
How can amino acids be separated ...,
What is chromatography,
What are the two phases of chroma...
15  cards
Amino Acids, Proteins and DNA: DNA
Define the term nucleotide,
Describe the structure of a nucle...,
What are the four different bases...
16  cards
Amino Acids, Proteins and DNA: Action of Anticancer Drugs
What is the name of the anticance...,
Describe and draw the structure o...,
Define the term ligand
8  cards
Electrode Potentials and Cells: Electrode Potentials and Cells
What are electrochemical cells us...,
What happens when a rod of metal ...,
What are electrode potentials
11  cards
Electrode Potentials and Electrochemical Cells: Commercial Applications of Electrochemical Cells
What kind of cells are there,
What type of reactions take place...,
What type of reactions take place...
10  cards
Thermodynamics: Born-Haber Cycles, Enthalpies of Solution
Define the term enthalpy of solution,
Define the term enthalpy of hydra...,
Define the term lattice enthalpy ...
6  cards

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AQA A-Level Chemistry

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