aqa history - tsarist and communist russia 1855-1964

This class was created by Brainscape user Idabell Binns. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Stalin - Industry 1946-1955
When was the 4th 5yp,
What were the aims of the 4th 5yp,
What was the result of the 4th 5yp
9  cards
Stalin - Industry 1941-1945
What is scorched earth policy,
How many factories moved,
What was the issue with the germa...
13  cards
Stalin - Social/Political impact of WWII
What did wartime propaganda demon...,
How did the war strengthen the be...,
How many joined the party by 1945
29  cards
Stalin - WWII - the events 1939-1945
What was operation barbarossa,
When did operation barbarossa occur,
What is blitzkrieg
17  cards
Stalin - Political Authority and Culture 1946-1953
What is political high stalinism,
When was the state defence commit...,
Who took the role of minister of ...
42  cards
Khrushchev - Industry 1953-1964
What was the virgin land schemes,
What year did the virgin land sch...,
What did the success in 1953 lead to
36  cards
Khrushchev - Culture 1953-1964
What socialist campaign was revived,
What was made illegal to teach sc...,
What subject was introduced into ...
25  cards
Khrushchev - Politics 1953-1964
Who was the power struggle against,
When was it announced malenkov wo...,
When was beria s arrest
23  cards
Stalin - Opposition and Purges 1932-38
Who were sent to labour camps,
When was the shakty show trial,
What was the shakty show trail
49  cards
Lenin - Civil War, Opposition and Faction 1917-24
When was there an assassination a...,
When were the social revolutionar...,
When was the tsar and his family ...
19  cards
Lenin - Industry 1917-1928
When was the nep introduced,
Why was the nep introduced,
What did the nep intend to achieve
13  cards
Lenin - Ideology 1917-1924 and his previous works
How did party leaders supply thei...,
What did the regime give priority to,
When did the lenin enrolment take...
10  cards
Stalin - Industry 1928-1941
What was stalin s industrial nick...,
When was the end of the nep annou...,
What was the result if one failed...
40  cards
Alexander II - Political Authority 1885-1881
What was the secret police called,
How was russia a police state,
How significant was the army
26  cards
Alexander II - Industry 1855-1881
What was the economic situation o...,
How many village to town dwellers...,
7  cards
Alexander II - Society 1855-1881
How is the term class too modern ...,
Who were the non productive,
Who were the productive
10  cards
Alexander II - Crimean War 1853-1856
When was the crimean war,
What two battles lead to russia s...
6  cards
Alexander II - Reforms/Recationary 1855-1881
When were the local government re...,
What was introduced,
How was the zemstva chosen
31  cards
Alexander III - Political Authority 1881-1894
What were the changes introduced ...,
When was the act to reduce the pe...,
When were land captains introduced
8  cards

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aqa history - tsarist and communist russia 1855-1964

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