aqa psychology a level: paper 1, 2 & 3

This class was created by Brainscape user Hassan Abdo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

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Decks in this class (14)

How can I get an A* in Psychology? (Read this before you start Revising)
How do i navigate these flashcards,
Where s the research methods flas...,
Other resources to use to get an a
6  cards
Psychopathology: Paper 1
Deviation from social norms,
How does defining,
How does defining abnormality as ...
97  cards
Social Influence: Paper 1
What is compliance,
What is internalisation,
What is identification
115  cards
Attachment: Paper 1
Describe caregiver infant interac...,
What is interactional synchrony,
Parent infant attachment towards ...
111  cards
Memory: Paper 1
Anxiety has a negative effect on ...,
Anxiety has a positive effect on ...,
How can we explain contradictory ...
112  cards
Psychology Paper 1 AQA 2023
Evaluate the failure to function ...,
Evaluate the failure to function ...,
What is cognitive behavioural the...
14  cards
Biopsychology: Paper 2 (16 markers)
Outline the full process for acut...,
Outline the full process of the f...,
A03 why does the fight of flight ...
96  cards
Approaches: Paper 2
What did wundt believe in and wha...,
What is introspection,
What was reductionism
106  cards
Psychology Paper 2 AQA 2023
Discuss research into plasticity ...,
Discuss research into plasticity ...,
Outline the fight or flight respo...
24  cards
Issues and Debates: Paper 3
What is gender bias,
What is alpha bias can you provid...,
Why does freud s study also suffe...
96  cards
Schizophrenia: Paper 3
What is schizophrenia what can it...,
What are positive symptoms,
What are negative symptoms
149  cards
Forensic Psychology: Paper 3
What is the top down approach,
What happens in the data assimila...,
Based on the data collection what...
169  cards
Gender: Paper 3
Sex role stereotypes and androgyny,
What is sex,
What is gender
131  cards
Important Key-terms & Memorisation for Research Methods
How do we write a hypothesis,
What is the sign test,
What criteria determine the use o...
20  cards

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aqa psychology a level: paper 1, 2 & 3

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