aqa- psychology - attachment

This class was created by Brainscape user Nikol Nowak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

caregiver- infant interactions
Animals are precocialwhat is mean...,
If animals are precocial what are...,
Definition of attachment
14  cards
different form of communication between carer and infant
Bodily contact,
5  cards
stages of attachment
includes work sheet to use with a whiteboard
3  cards
The role of the father
Historically how were fathers viewed,
What do mothers show,
What is meant by sensitive respon...
19  cards
Explanations of attachment - learning theory
What do behaviourists argue 5,
What does learning theory suggest,
What is the baby associating the ...
7  cards
Bowlby's monotropic theory of attachment
What is bowlby s theory,
Whose work was bowlby mostly infl...,
What is meant by the evolutionary...
16  cards
Bowlby's monotropic theory of attachment- AO3
What did schaffer and emerson state,
What does bowlby s idea of attacg...,
Although what did schaffer and em...
10  cards
Animal studies of attachment
What are animal studies used for,
What have findings from animal st...
2  cards
Measuring attachment
What did mary ainsworth state abo...,
What are the 3 attachment types i...,
What did ainsworth do
8  cards
Strange situation evaluation
Why has the research been criticised,
What had later research suggested
2  cards
Cultural variation in attachment
Evaluation blurting
18  cards
Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation
State bowlby s theory of maternal...,
What does bowlby argue,
What are the effect of maternal d...
26  cards
Romanian orpham studies - effects of institutionalisation
What is meant by institutionalisa...,
Institutions include,
When does institutionalisation occur
12  cards
The influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships
What is bowlby s theory of the in...,
What is the monitropic attachment...,
What is meant by the continuity h...
9  cards

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aqa- psychology - attachment

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