This class was created by Brainscape user Ellis Outterside. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

3.1 Biological Molecules
0  cards
Carbohydrates, lipids and water
What is maltose,
What is sucrose,
What is lactose
54  cards
Proteins and enzymes
Describe the general structure fo...,
How do two amino acids join together,
What are the 4 organisation level...
19  cards
Nucleic acids
Dna and rna are both polymers of ...,
What are the 3 components in a nu...,
Describe the structure of a dna n...
28  cards
ATP and ions
Describe the strcuture of atp,
Explain how,
What is the reaction called that ...
6  cards
3.2 Cells
0  cards
cells and microscopy
What is the function of the nucleus,
Explain the 4 parts of the nucleus,
What is the function of the mitoc...
25  cards
What are the three phases of the ...,
What happens during interphase,
What are the 3 phases interphase ...
21  cards
Transport Across Membranes
Explain the fluid mosaic model of...,
Explain the structure of channel ...,
Explain what carrier proteins str...
29  cards
How does the immune system distun...,
What is the definition of an antigen,
True or falseantigens have a spec...
24  cards
3.3 Organisms exchange substances with their environment
0  cards
Digestion and Absorption: starch and glucose
What is digestion,
What are carbohydrates hydrolysed...,
What does the salivary glands pro...
9  cards
Digestion and Absorption: protein and lipids
What is the enzyme called that hy...,
Explain the role of endopeptidases,
Explain the role of exopeptidases
6  cards
Gas Exchange: Insects, Fish and Plants
As the organism gets larger the gets,
What is ficks law,
What is the weakness to having a ...
21  cards
Gas Exchange: Lungs and risk factors
Explain the anatomy of the lungs,
Explain _ ways the alveoli are ad...,
What is ventilation
12  cards
How much oxygens can bind to haem...,
What is meant by loading association,
What is meant by unloading dissoc...
17  cards
Mass Transport in Animals
Why is the circulatory system kno...,
What is the function of the vena ...,
What is the function of the pulmo...
39  cards
Mass Transport in Plants
What is transpiration,
What is translocation,
Give 4 structure features of the ...
18  cards
3.4 Genetic Information, Variation and Relationships between Organisms
0  cards
Protein Synthesis
Give 4 structure features of prok...,
Give 4 structure features of euka...,
What is a gene
20  cards
Genetic Diversity and Natural Selection
What is a mutation,
Explain how a mutation may lead t...,
What are the 3 different types of...
34  cards
Biodiversity and Taxonomy
Whats the defintion for the follo...,
Whats the defintion for the follo...,
Whats the defintion for the follo...
11  cards

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