as/norman(3) england: willaim i in power and securing the kindfom

This class was created by Brainscape user Theo Grant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Williams Probelms And Solutions
What where some problems william ...
1  cards
The Submission Of The Earls 1066
What happens whilst williams men ...,
What happened at this meeting and...,
What where williams thoughts abou...
7  cards
Williams Crowning
Where and when was william crowned,
Who was chosen to crown him and why,
Why was holding the crowning at t...
4  cards
Castles: Reasons, Features And Importance
When did william start building c...,
What where the castles called,
What where two features of motte ...
9  cards
Rewarding Followers
What did william do with the land...,
What 4 measures did william raise...,
Why did william do these things
5  cards
The Problem Of The Marches
What are the marches,
What was the problem,
How did william try and restore p...
5  cards
William’s Early Success, 1066-67
What did william do in the spring...,
Who accompanied william on his to...,
Who was left in charge whilst wil...
6  cards
Anglo Saxon Resistance: Causes And Outcomes
This is just like a marker to sho...
1  cards
The Revolt Of Earls Edwin And Morcar
When did the rebellion take place,
Was is successful,
How did it all start
9  cards
Edgar Aethling And The Rebellions In The North, 1069
Where these rebellions in 1069 as...,
Why where the two rebellions in 1...,
What where the four reasons cause...
10  cards
1069 Rebellion 2: Summer And Autumn Of 1069
What where the five reason as too...,
What was the main threat in the 2...,
What was happening at the same ti...
10  cards
Hereward The Wake And Rebellion At Ely 1070-71
What was some background info on ...,
Where was the danish fleet,
What happened to the isle of ely
8  cards
How Did William Secure Control Over England(breif Points)
What where the six methods willia...,
Expand on desctruction,
Expand on mutilation
7  cards
The Harrying Of The North: Reasons, Features And Impacts
What where the five reasons as to...,
List the events of the harrying o...,
What was it like for williams troops
11  cards
Changed In Landownership From Anglo-saxon To Norman
How did william change his previo...,
Why is the doomsday book importan...,
How did the doomsday book work wh...
4  cards
How William Maintained Power After The Rebellions
After 1072 where did william spen...
1  cards
The Revolt Of The Earls, 1075
Who where the three people who re...,
Who had they hoped would support ...,
What did they intend to do with e...
15  cards
Words To Use
Here are some words to use
1  cards

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as/norman(3) england: willaim i in power and securing the kindfom

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