
This class was created by Brainscape user Ellis Outterside. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

Research methods
What is informed consent,
What is confidentiality,
What is the right to withdraw
86  cards
0  cards
The origins of psychology
Who is known as the father of mod...,
Explain what introspection is
7  cards
What is classical conditioning,
Who discovered classical conditio...,
Before conditioningexplain stage ...
16  cards
Social Learning Theory
Who proposed the social learning ...,
Explain what observational learni...,
If we are similar to our role mod...
15  cards
What is the focus of the cognitiv...,
What does internal mental process...,
What does inference mean
14  cards
What is the focus of the biologic...,
Name 4 research methods used by t...,
Explain fmri
17  cards
What are the two main functions o...,
What does the cns consist of,
What is the function of the spina...
42  cards
0  cards
Definitions of Abnormality
What are the 4 definitions for ab...,
Explain the stastical infrequency...,
Give an example of statisitcal in...
10  cards
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
What are obsessions,
What are compulsions,
Explain 3 behavioural characteris...
23  cards
What is depression,
Explain 3 behavioural characteris...,
Explain 3 emotional characteristi...
23  cards
What is a specific phobia,
What is a social phobia social an...,
What is agoraphobia
23  cards
0  cards
The Multi Store Model
What are the 3 stores,
What is meant by encoding,
What is meant by capacity
12  cards
Types Of Long Term Memory
What are the 3 different types of...,
What is procedural memory,
What is semantic memory
8  cards
The Working Memory Model
What are the 4 components,
Who developed the working memory ...,
What is the role of the central e...
9  cards
Explanations Of Forgetting
What are the two explanations of ...,
Interference occurs when,
What is proactive interference
15  cards
Eyewitness Testimony and Cognitive Interview
Give 4 factors that affect eyewti...,
Explain what post event discussio...,
Explain the study that supports p...
17  cards
0  cards
Attachment Definition
What is an attachment,
What are the 3 behaviours associa...,
Explain proximity in terms of att...
5  cards
Caregiver-infant Interactions
What is reciprocity,
What are babies alert phases and ...,
Are babies passive or do they hav...
6  cards
Stages of Attachment
What are the 4 stages,
Explain the following attacment s...,
Explain the following attacment s...
5  cards
The Role of The Father
What is a primary caregiver,
What is a primary attachment figure,
Whats the study that shows the mo...
6  cards
Animal Studies of Attachment
Explain the experiment lorenz did...,
What is imprinting,
Explain the study which supports ...
8  cards
Learning Theory of Attachment
What does the learning theory of ...,
What is classical conditioning,
Explain how a baby could become a...
5  cards
Bowlbys Monotropic Theory
How did bowlby explain attachment,
Why is it called monotropic theory,
What is a crtical period
10  cards
Ainsworth's Strange Situation
What is the strange situation,
What is secure attachment,
What is insecure avoidant attachm...
19  cards
Cultural Variations
What is meant by culture,
What was the aim of van ijzendoor...,
What was the procedure of van ijz...
10  cards
Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation
What is maternal deprivation,
What does bowlbys theory of mater...,
What is seperation
12  cards
Romanian Orphan Studies
What is institutionalisation,
What was the procedure of rutter ...,
What were the findings of rutter ...
7  cards
The Influence of Early Attachment on Childhood and Adult Relationships
What is the internal working model,
What attachment type forms the be...,
Give the study that researched th...
6  cards
Social Influence
0  cards
What are the 3 types of conformity,
Explain what compliance is,
Explain what identification is
29  cards
What is obedience,
Explain the procedure of milgrams...,
What were the findings of milgram...
25  cards
Resistance to Social Influence
What is resistance to social infl...,
What are the two explanations for...,
What is social support
16  cards
Minority Influence
What is minority influence,
What are the 3 aspects that affec...,
Explain how consistency affects m...
13  cards
Social Change
What is social change,
What are the 6 step processes inv...,
Explain the deeper processing sta...
6  cards

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