This class was created by Brainscape user Hailey Carroll. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

35  cards
Movement and Structure of Equine Athletes
Stride length,
Stride rate
24  cards
Some Elements of Structure and Function
In the cold how does horses struc...,
In the heat how does horses struc...,
More surface area mass means
29  cards
Equine Athletes
The three ways to describe exerci...,
What fuels exercise,
60  cards
The Hoof
What encloses the interior struct...,
Epidermal laminae,
Dermal laminae
36  cards
How do horses generate movement,
64  cards
Central fatigue,
Local muscle fatigue,
Two common causes of muscle fatigue
26  cards
Tendons and Ligaments
Tendons connect ______ to ______,
Tendon function,
How are tendons named
43  cards
Synovial Structures
Synovial fluid functions,
Types of synovial structures
14  cards
Ligaments stabilize the joint by,
Extra articular ligaments
55  cards
Cortical bone,
Cancellous bone,
69  cards
Indicators of lameness that owner...,
What occurs during a physical exam,
What gaits are horses observed at...
35  cards
Introduction to Equine Reproduction
Mares are seasonally polyestrous ...,
Seasonality is triggered by,
Each estrous cycle is about how long
61  cards
Gestation and Parturition
What is the average gestation length,
What is the range of gestation le...,
At what point is the foal viable
81  cards
Neonatal Nursing and Diseases
How often,
How long do foals nurse at a time,
How much do foals normally drink ...
25  cards
Reproductive Biology of Mares
Winter anestrus,
Phases of reproductive rhythm of ...,
When does winter anestrus begin
43  cards
Barn stall teasing,
Chute teasing,
Fence with teasing board
9  cards
The Estrous Cycle
When does estrous cycle in non pr...,
What is the first post partum est...,
When does foal heat begin
64  cards
Manipulating the Estrous Cycle
What must you know in order to ma...,
Ovulatory agents,
What must you have in order to us...
39  cards
Managing Mares to Optimize Reproductive Efficiency
What are the two goals of reprodu...,
Pregnancy rate,
Pregnancy rate is
33  cards
Factors Affecting Reproductive Efficiency
What are factors affecting reprod...,
Urine pool,
Inflammation of the uterus
21  cards
Semen evaluation
Three main measurements that are ...,
Normal ph of stallion semen,
Normal color of sperm
11  cards

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