This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Maclean. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Deep neck structures 1
Where does the levator scapulae a...,
Where do many of the deep posteri...
26  cards
Deep neck structures 2
Where does the cervical plexus lie,
What covers the cervical plexus,
What does c1 innervate along with...
37  cards
Nasal Cavity
What is the anterior opening of t...
33  cards
Nasal Cavity
What are the 4 arteries associate...,
What is the kiesselbach area,
What branches of the ophthalmic a...
34  cards
What are the paranasal sinuses,
What are the ethmoidal sinuses,
What drains into the superior meatus
48  cards
Eye - Intro
What are the 3 layers of the eyeball,
What fibre makes up the outermost...,
What are the 2 parts of the fibro...
41  cards
Eye - Orbit
What walls of the orbit are parti...,
Why are the medial and inferior w...
30  cards
Eye - muscles
What are the 3 nerves of the extr...,
What is the pneumonic for muscles...
44  cards
Eye - Neurovasculature
Where do cn3 4 6 enter the orbit,
What branches of the trigeminal n...,
What allows sensory innervation o...
33  cards
Eye - Embryology
Where does the eye develop from,
What end of the neural tube forms...,
Where do the optic vesicles grow ...
14  cards
Ear 1
What is the function of the cochlea,
What is the function of the semic...
61  cards
Ear 2
Name the muscle,
What is the action of tensor tympani,
What is the nerve supply of tenso...
41  cards
What are the 3 divisions of the p...,
What is the adenoid
30  cards
What does the larynx extend to an...,
What is deglutination,
At rest where does the larynx lie
15  cards
Neurones - Cells and Tissues of the nervous system Part 1
What are the 2 parts of the cns,
What is the role of the pns,
What nerves are involved in the pns
36  cards
Neurones - Cells and Tissues of the nervous system Part 2
What is grey matter,
What is white matter
43  cards
Glial cells - Cells and Tissues of the nervous system Part 3
What are glial cells,
What is more abundant neurones or...,
What is the most populous glial c...
34  cards
Meninges - Cells and Tissues of the nervous system Part 4
What are the 3 layers of the meni...,
What fluid is found between the p...
11  cards
Ventricles - Cells and Tissues of the nervous system Part 5
Where are the ventricles,
Where do the lateral ventricles lie,
What ventricle is shown
12  cards
CSF - Cells and Tissues of the nervous system Part 6
Is csf involved in intracranial p...,
Where is csf found,
Where is it formed
11  cards
Neuroanatomy 1
What is the somatic ns,
Role of the parasympathetic ns,
Name 2 cell types
48  cards
Neuroanatomy 2
What cn tracts from the spinal cord,
What cn come off the cerebral hem...,
What is the role of brainstem cen...
59  cards
Neuroanatomy - CNS 3
Where is csf formed,
Describe csf,
Is csf made in other ventricles a...
64  cards
Spinal Cord - grey and white matter (tracts)
What is ventral and what is dorsal,
What is white matter made up of
33  cards
Blood Supply To Brain
What does the anterior cerebral a...,
Blood supply to the frontal part ...,
What supplies the parietal part o...
9  cards
Arteries, Veins &
What are the first branches of th...,
Where does the aorta start,
What lies in between the 2 common...
30  cards
Random mix
What does the thyroid gland release,
How does the thyroid gland regula...,
How does calcitonin decrees calci...
7  cards
cervical plexus
What nerve supplies the skin of t...,
What supplies the skin over the p...,
What supplies the anterior and la...
8  cards

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bds2.5 anatomy

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