bds3 paediatrics

This class was created by Brainscape user Cesca Lang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

1 - Behaviour management techniques
What are the 2 broad categories o...,
What are the different pharmacolo...,
What drug is used in inhalation s...
23  cards
2 - Dental trauma I
How does primary tooth trauma typ...,
List the injuries classified as i...,
List the injuries classified as i...
61  cards
3 - Dental trauma II
What can be used to sensibility t...,
What is a traumatic occlusion,
How do you manage enamel fractures
14  cards
4 - Dental trauma III
What are the different impacts de...,
What is the follow up for concuss...,
What are the radiographic finding...
62  cards
5 - Safeguarding
Define children in need,
Define child protection,
Define safeguarding children
38  cards
6 - Paediatric periodontology
What are the 2017 classifications...,
Describe healthy periodontium in ...,
What can cause gingival overgrowth
26  cards
7 - Oral medicine
What are some of the causes of or...,
Describe primary heretic gingivos...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...
52  cards
8 - Dentistry for children with disabilities
What are the different classifica...,
What are the clinical implication...,
What are the clinical implication...
34  cards
9 - Adult consequences of childhood trauma
What are the predictors of outcom...,
When is the root formation comple...,
When is the root formation comple...
43  cards
Child development
Describe the behaviour and develo...,
Describe the behaviour and develo...,
Describe the behaviour and develo...
9  cards
Fluoride concentrations
What concentration of fluoride to...,
What concentration of fluoride to...,
What concentration of fluoride to...
6  cards

More about
bds3 paediatrics

  • Class purpose General learning

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