bfes training manual

This class was created by Brainscape user Jessica Zehr. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

History of the Fire Service
What ancient civilization had a s...,
In ancient rome what was the name...,
How was firefighting often carrie...
10  cards
The Probationary Firefighter
What is emphasized as a crucial a...,
What is modern firefighting recei...,
What does the fire service demand...
16  cards
Leadership In The Fire Service
What is the purpose of the hierar...,
What is the incident command syst...,
How are brampton fire and emergen...
10  cards
Being A Leader
What is a key factor for being a ...,
What does fire service knowledge ...,
What contributes to a leader s ab...
6  cards
Leadership Styles
What is a key characteristic of a...,
What is another term for democrat...,
What is the primary characteristi...
8  cards
The Role Of A Supervisor
What is a primary responsibility ...,
What specific role does a supervi...,
According to the occupational hea...
8  cards
The Company Officer
What is the primary role of the f...,
What are the main responsibilitie...,
What is a desirable quality for a...
38  cards
Command Presence
What does command presence refer ...,
What is a key quality exhibited b...,
How do individuals with command p...
9  cards
Demonstrating Command Presence
What is the primary benefit of ha...,
How can one develop self confiden...,
What does effective body language...
10  cards
Situational Awareness
What does situational awareness i...,
What is the second step in situat...,
What does comprehension in situat...
7  cards
Decision Making Models
What does a decision making model...,
How does a decision making model ...,
What is a key benefit of using a ...
5  cards
Why use a decision making model
What does a decision making model...,
Why is making decisions in a cons...,
How does a decision making model ...
5  cards
Types of decision making models
What is the primary emphasis of t...,
How does the ooda loop model prom...,
What is the plan phase of the pdc...
5  cards
The Incident commander
What is one of the key responsibi...,
Where does the practice required ...,
What is the primary difference be...
25  cards

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bfes training manual

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