binocular vision

This class was created by Brainscape user Hardeep Kalsi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Optometric examination of children - Ahalya
What are the key stages in paedia...,
What are the key things to ask in...,
What is an important milestone fo...
82  cards
Vision Screening Amblyopia Investigation - Miriam
When are ocular health screenings...,
What two things does an ocular he...,
Name five different groups of chi...
53  cards
post-natal development of the visual system - Merrick
What is the rate of maturation of...,
Do you get higher values for acui...,
What sized spatial frequencies do...
30  cards
3rd nerve palsy - MEH
What are the 2 branches of the 3r...,
Where does the 3rd nerve originate,
Which muscles does the superior d...
64  cards
6th Nerve Palsy- MEH
What is another name for the 6th ...,
Where is the 6th nerve nucleus found,
What two types of cells are found...
41  cards
4th Nerve - MEH
What does the 4th nerve control,
Reminder what does the superior o...,
How is the 4th nerve different to...
70  cards
Duane’s And Browns Syndrome - Miriam
What are characteristics of mecha...,
What is the forced duction test,
Describe what a muscles sequelae is
45  cards
microtropia - MEH
Define microtropia,
Clinical characteristics of micro...,
Can you get a small angle squint ...
62  cards
nystagmus - MEH
What is nystagmus,
Is nystagmus manifest or latent,
What are the 4 classifications of...
78  cards
mechanical limitations - MEH
Define a mechanical limitation,
When you have a mechanical limita...,
What does duction version mean
71  cards
Paedriatic Dispensing
What should we consider more impo...,
What is an example of a measureme...,
When do we adjust the frame for t...
25  cards
Paediatric Prescribing - ahalya
What things do we need to conside...,
What is emmetropisation,
Why can gls interfere with emmetr...
51  cards
Incomitancy - MEH
What is the definition of incomin...,
What are two ways to classify inc...,
What is essential with acquired i...
72  cards
Myogenic Palsies - Miriam
What is myasthenia gravis,
Adult mg,
What are the three paediatric gro...
84  cards
Investigation and management of anomalies of convergence and accommodation - Miriam
What are the different convergenc...,
What is convergence insufficiency,
What is convergence fatigue
65  cards
Exotropia - Miriam
What kind of people is xot more p...,
What is more prevalent intermitte...,
What are the three classification...
77  cards
Esotropia - investigation and managment - Miriam
What are the 3 main types of esot...,
What is a consectutive sot,
What is the most likely cause for...
159  cards
Paediatric Ocular Pathology- Retina - Alistair
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the most important electr...,
What is the minimum age an eog ca...
88  cards
vision and visual assessment in significant learning disability - Lisa
Definition of learning disability,
How much more likely is someone t...,
What does diagnostic overshadowin...
35  cards
Secondary Strabismus - MEH
What is a secondary sensory strab...,
How does the squint occour,
Px has a esotropia
28  cards
Secondary Strabismus - MEH
How to do classify strabismus,
What is a secondary sensory strab...,
What is the process of developing...
24  cards
Cerebral Visual Impairment - Lisa
What is does cvi stand for,
What do we test in clinics,
What is cvi
63  cards
Specific Learning difficulties - bruce Evans
What is profound learning disabil...,
What is specific learning difficu...,
What did the study with evans et ...
33  cards
Current Research in BV
What are some widely researched t...,
What sub topics are researched in...,
What sub topics are being researc...
19  cards
Peads - Anterior Segment - Alistair
What is a coloboma,
What anterior segment development...,
What are examples of anterior dys...
53  cards
Peads : Neuro-Opthalmology - Alistair
What are some tips when approachi...,
How can we diffrentiate between r...,
What is a neurofibromas
54  cards
Peads - External eye - Alistair
What does the external eye cover,
What age is a child,
How do we know is the px has micr...
52  cards
Supranuclear Disorders - Miriam
What is the higher centre respons...,
What are the 6 areas that are par...,
What do the blue and red lines in...
90  cards
Tutorial MEH tutorial
Do you botox obliques,
How do we correct esotropia,
What base do we use on pct
27  cards
Tutorial MEH tutorial 7
Why does a px adopt a cph,
What is this,
How do we manage her
15  cards

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binocular vision

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