This class was created by Brainscape user Quinn Hamilton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Ch 37: Populations(Exam 1)
Population vs community,
15  cards
Ch 38: Communities and Ecosystems (Exam 1)
Competitive exclusion vs resource...
18  cards
Ch 39: Biomes (Exam 1)
Biotic vs abiotic,
17  cards
Ch 40: Preserving Biodiversity (Exam 1)
Main reasons why extinction rates...,
Primary cause of biodiversity los...,
10  cards
Ch 16: Viruses (Exam 2)
Species from which human influenz...,
Common viral diseases,
Type of form of genetic informati...
11  cards
Ch 17: Bacteria and Archaea (Exam 2)
Why are bacterial biofilms medica...,
Compared to eukaryotes identify t...,
What is the evolutionary origin o...
18  cards
Ch 20: Fungi (Exam 2)
What is the primary function of f...,
How do plant cells and fungal cel...,
How are fungi and animals similar...
12  cards
Ch 21: Animals (Exam 2)
Defining characteristics of animals,
Radial symmetry vs bilateral symm...
20  cards
Ch 19: Plants (Exam 3)
Functions of root systems in plants,
Function of the stomata in plants,
Xylem function vs phloem function
14  cards
Ch 22: Plant Form and Function (Exam 3)
Identify the vegetative non repro...,
Stolons vs rhizomes,
Define fruit as the word is used ...
10  cards
Ch 23: Plant Nutrition and Transport (Exam 3)
Difference between macronutrients...,
Carbon enters the plant through w...,
Why plants need nitrogen
9  cards
Ch 24: Reproduction and Development of Flowering Plants (Exam 3)
Explain the biological purpose of...,
Why is the production of pollen a...,
Identify the main animal pollinat...
10  cards
Ch 12: The Forces of Evolutionary Change (Exam 4)
Why does natural selection and ev...,
Gene pool
8  cards
Ch 13: Evidence of Evolution (Exam 4)
0  cards
Ch 14: Speciation and Extinction (Exam 4)
1  cards
Ch 15: The Origin and History of Life (Exam 4)
0  cards

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