bio and biochem notes: mcat

This class was created by Brainscape user Latifat B. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Biomolecules and enzymes
What is le chatlier s principle,
What is the role of acetylcholine...,
What kind of molecules can easily...
7  cards
Test 2 review
When can you use hardy weinberg e...,
What occurs in trunks arteriosus,
What are small hydrophobic hormon...
20  cards
Test 3 review
What are the kind of bonds that a...,
What happens to lysine residues t...,
What are effects of tumor suppres...
34  cards
chapter 5 and 6 flashcards
How many net atps are produced wh...,
How many net atps are made when e...,
In cellular respiration what is t...
28  cards
Microbiology: Viruses and Subviral particles
What kind of characteristics do g...,
Conjugation can occur between bac...,
What mechanism do bacteria use to...
59  cards
Eukaryotic Cellular Biology
What are the two types of cancer ...,
What are the order of steps for a...,
What kind of mutation are oncogen...
57  cards
Test 4 Review
What is the function of tsh,
What is the function of thyroid h...,
What releases trh thyroid releasi...
49  cards
What stage does synapsis occur in...,
What genetic configuration disrup...,
What are the conditions needed fo...
20  cards
Nervous System
Which neurotransmitter is used to...,
What area of the brain is primari...,
When is a neuron in its relative ...
17  cards
Test 5 review
What is the process of apoptosis ...,
What occurs during phase 0 of an ...,
What occurs during phase 2 of act...
64  cards
Endocrine system
Which hormones are located in ant...,
How are steroid hormones stored,
Which hormones are part of poster...
48  cards
Renal system and Digestion
What are the components of filtra...,
What part of nephron acts as a co...,
Angiotensin ii acts as a vasocons...
36  cards
Nervous system
What ear structure is used in per...,
What body structures use hair cel...,
What processes always result in a...
34  cards
Muscular, Skeletal an Respiratory Systems; Skin
What hormone directly stimulates ...,
As the ph of body decreases how i...,
How are long bones lengthened dur...
7  cards

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bio and biochem notes: mcat

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