This class was created by Brainscape user Ketewe Kwedhi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Chemistry Of Blood
What are the main components of b...,
Describe the red blood cell compo...,
How do the red blood cells metabo...
25  cards
Regulation Of Gene Expression
What is a gene,
State the structure of a gene,
List the types of nitrogenous bas...
36  cards
Biochemistry Of Cancer
What is cancer,
What are the characteristics of m...,
State the phases of the cell cycle
18  cards
DNA Replication
Explain the fundamental rules of ...,
What are the stages of dna replic...,
Describe the initiation phase of ...
32  cards
What is transcription,
Describe the types of rna,
What are the similarities between...
15  cards
Describe the genetic code,
Explain the features of the genet...,
Describe the structure of trna
14  cards
What is nutrition,
List the essential amino acids,
List the non essential amino acids
23  cards
Fat Soluble Vitamins
Define the term vitamins,
List the fat soluble vitamins,
Describe the chemical structures ...
19  cards
Water Soluble Vitamins
List the water soluble vitamins,
Describe the chemical structures ...,
Describe the chemical structures ...
31  cards
How are minerals classified,
What are macroelements,
What are trace elements
18  cards
Trace Elements
List the structures of iron and d...,
Describe the metabolic role of iron,
State the recommended daily requi...
9  cards
What are hormones,
Describe the types of hormones,
Give a brief overview on the endo...
23  cards

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