This class was created by Brainscape user Maia Lindo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Regional and Directional Terms (Week 2)
62  cards
Cranial and Facial Bones (Week 3)
6 cranial bones,
Ethmoid bone,
Frontal lobe
9  cards
Ch. 1 - Intro to the Human Body
What are the 6 levels of organiza...,
What are the 6 basic processes co...,
What is homeostasis
24  cards
Ch. 2 - Chemical Level of Organization
In an atom the number of protons ...,
What is the difference between th...,
What is a radioactive isotope
30  cards
Ch. 3 - Cellular Level of Organization
What makes the plasma membrane a ...,
How does cholesterol function in ...,
What are 3 types of proteins of c...
48  cards
Ch. 4 Tissue Level of Organization
What are the 4 main types of tissues,
What are the 3 functions of cell ...,
Compare and contrast adherens jun...
74  cards
Ch. 5 - Integumentary System
What are the functions of the skin,
How does the skin perform thermor...,
What type of junctions allow for ...
70  cards
Ch. 6 - Bone Tissue
What is the main function of the ...,
What are 5 functions of bones,
What do long bones consist of
60  cards
Ch. 7 - The Axial Skeleton
What are the 5 basic types of bones,
What are sutures,
What are the 2 major types of bon...
77  cards
Ch. 8 - The Appendicular Skeleton
What does the clavicle articulate...,
What are some distinct markings o...,
What are the 5 joints of the uppe...
35  cards
Ch. 9 - Joints
What are the 3 structural classif...,
What are the 3 functional classif...,
What are 3 structural types of fi...
48  cards
Ch. 10 - Muscular Tissue
C c the appearances of skeletal c...,
What are 5 functions of muscle ti...,
What are 4 properties of muscle t...
61  cards
Ch. 11 - The Muscular System
How do skeletal muscles produce m...,
What is the origin and insertion,
What are 2 muscle attachment sites
50  cards
Ch. 19 - Blood
What kind of tissue is blood,
What are the components of blood,
What is hematopoiesis and where d...
69  cards
Ch. 20 - The Heart
Where is the heart located,
C c fibrous and serous pericardium,
What are the layers of the heart ...
65  cards
Ch. 21 - Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics
What are the 5 classes of blood v...,
What are the 3 layers of a bv wal...,
Why do arteries have a thick tuni...
73  cards
Ch. 23 - The Respiratory System
What is respiration,
What are the 3 steps that respira...,
What does the upper respiratory s...
91  cards
Ch. 22 - The Lymphatic System
Where are lacteals found and what...,
What is the function of the thora...,
What is the function of the right...
68  cards

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biol 1190

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