This class was created by Brainscape user Liaba Ali. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Polvi's Part
Who visualized cells first when,
Why did hooke observe underneath ...,
Why are cells called cells
31  cards
Polvi lec #2
Can you visualize cell membranes ...,
When were plasma membranes first ...,
What are membranes composed of ho...
61  cards
Polvi Lec #3
What are the seven membrane funct...,
What s an example of compartmenta...,
What is the example of the membra...
23  cards
Polvi lec #4
What are the three classes of mem...,
How are peripheral membrane prote...,
Are peripheral membrane proteins ...
35  cards
Polvi lec #5
In what movement concentration gr...,
How does a facilitative transport...,
What types of kinetics does facil...
19  cards
Polvi lec #6
What does in vivo mean,
What does in vitro mean,
What is frap
11  cards
Polvi lec #7
What are neurons,
In vertebrates where are most neu...,
What is the neuron structure
22  cards
Polvie lec # 8
What is a synapse,
What is a presynaptic cell,
What is a synaptic vesicle
17  cards
Polvi lec #9
What are the two basic steps of t...,
If something is wrong with the pr...,
If something is wrong in the abil...
18  cards
Polvi lec #10
What do you call proteins that ha...,
Do majority of the proteins at th...,
What do the carbohydrate groups d...
16  cards
Polvi lec#11
What do cop11 coated vesicles do,
What are the three types of coate...,
11  cards
Polvi lec #12
What are the two roles of endosomes,
How do lysosomes break down mater...,
How do lysosomes do organelle tur...
13  cards
Polvi lec #13
What are the four general functio...,
All cytoskeleton filaments are fo...,
What are microtubules
9  cards
Polvi lec #14
What is b tubulin,
Why is b tubulin important in mic...,
How do microtubules grow
21  cards
Polvi lec #15
What is the structure of cilia an...,
How are microtubules organized in...,
How does cilia and flagella move
19  cards
Polvie lec #16
What does myosin type 2 have role...,
What is the s1 fragment in myosin...,
How do myosin type 2 tails allow ...
15  cards
Polvi lec #17
What is the cell cortex,
What does the cell cortex do,
3  cards
Shemanko Lecture 1
selectins, igsf, members of the integrin family, cadherins
17  cards
Shemanko Lecture 2
cell junctions
26  cards
Shemanko lecture 3
What is the glyocalyx,
What are the features of glycoaly...,
What is the ecm
31  cards
Shemanko Lecture 4
How does the cell remember what g...,
Can bookmarks be reprogrammed,
What is heterochromatin what is e...
28  cards
Shemanko Lecture 5
Cell proliferation, tissue renewal, and stem cells
16  cards
Shemanko Lecture 6
Signal transduction and cell signalling, Jak pathway
18  cards
Shemanko Lecture 7
G protein coupled receptors
14  cards
Shemanko lecture 8
IP3/Ca 2+ and PKC pathways
8  cards
Shemanko lecture 9
Receptor protein tyrosine kinases
9  cards

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biol 331

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