This class was created by Brainscape user Chany Ahn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Hydrophobic interactions
18  cards
What are proteins,
How can amino acids be structured,
How do you number an amino acid
8  cards
Nucleic Acids
What are nucleotides made up of,
What are the different sugars a n...,
Description of phosphates
7  cards
Energy, ATP, Enzyme
Anabolic reactions,
Catabolic reactions,
First law of thermodynamics
12  cards
Name the three major categories o...,
What are optical isomers,
Why is chirality important
4  cards
Roles for lipids in organisms,
How do fats form,
Structure of fats
10  cards
Membrane Transport
What are some examples of passive...,
What is osmosis,
What is a hypertonic solution
5  cards
Cells 1: Cell Size and Endomembrane System
Why are cells so small,
Describe a prokaryotic cell,
Describe a eukaryotic cell
16  cards
Cells 2: Mitochondria, Chloroplasts, Cytoskeleton, Cell Adhesion
Describe the mitochondria,
Describe the chloroplast,
What is the endosymbiotic organel...
15  cards
What are the function of enzymes,
Describe a model of enzyme action,
Describe the regulation of metabo...
8  cards
Glycolysis and Redox Reactions (lol good luck memorizing this shit)
Describe what happens when glucos...,
What are redox reactions,
Why is nad essential in redox rea...
17  cards
Citric Acid Cycle
What is the citric acid cycle,
Step 1,
Step 2
10  cards
Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
What happens in the etc where doe...,
What happens in complex i,
What is ubiquinone
9  cards
What is the overall reaction that...,
What is the main difference betwe...,
Describe the process of capturing...
14  cards
7  cards
What is a part of meiosis i,
What is a part of meiosis ii,
What is ploidy
9  cards

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biol112 mcgill

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