This class was created by Brainscape user Ella Hewitt. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

central nervous system
What makes up the central nervous...,
How do the body and brain communi...,
How do neurons in the brain pass ...
8  cards
What does a dendrite do,
What does the cell body do,
What does the axon do
5  cards
synaptic transmission
What does the action potential do,
What does the action potential al...,
What do the released neurotransmi...
5  cards
action potential
When a neuron is at rest what is ...,
How does a neuron become stimulated,
When does the action potential begin
7  cards
key neurotransmitters
What does noradrenaline do,
What does dopamine do,
What does serotonin do
4  cards
drug addiction
What is addiction,
What are the signs of addiction,
How do drugs link to pleasure
10  cards
aggression - brain structure
What does the limbic system do,
What parts of the brain are invol...,
How could the amygdala be seen to...
6  cards
aggression - evolution
What is evolution,
What do we mean by survival of th...,
How could evolution explain aggre...
3  cards
aggression - hormones
What are hormones,
What are the links between testos...,
How does cortisol link to aggression
4  cards
aggression - psychodynamic
What are the 3 aspects of freud s...,
What is eros d m,
What is thanatos d m
12  cards
raine (classic)
Aim of raine,
Raine s sample,
Raine s procedure
5  cards
brendegen (contemporary)
Brendegen s aim,
Brendegen s sample,
Brendegen s procedure
5  cards
key question - how effective is drug therapy for treating addiction?
In 2013 14 what were the opiate u...,
What is substitute prescribing,
How does methadone treat heroin a...
7  cards
Aim of bio practical,
Procedure of bio practical
2  cards

More about
biological psychology

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