This class was created by Brainscape user Scarlett Brown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

intro to bio psych (pack 1)
What is biological psychology,
What are 4 of the key assumptions...
2  cards
The CNS and the brain (pack 1)
What is the cns made up of and wh...,
What is the cns,
What happens when the body receiv...
24  cards
the functioning of the brain (pack 1)
What is a neuron,
What is the function of neurons,
What are all the parts to a neuron
12  cards
recreational drugs (pack 1)
What do drugs target,
What are reward pathways,
How are dopamine reward pathways ...
11  cards
Van Den Oever- contemporary study (pack 1)
What is one key cause for relapse...,
What did skinners boxes allow the...,
Where was vdo particularly intere...
21  cards
The role of hormones on behaviour (pack 1)
What are the 5 main parts of the ...,
What are hormones,
How do hormones work
14  cards
Evolution (pack 1)
What is evolution,
What is natural selection,
What is survival of the fittest
11  cards
correlational research (pack 2)
What is correlational research,
How does correlational research c...,
How are data pairs analysed
18  cards
the biological correlational practical (pack 2)
What is testosterone,
What can antenatal exposure to te...
21  cards
What is aggression?
Aggression definition,
How does the bio approach explain...
2  cards
Brain structure and functioning as an explanation of aggression + brain scanning (pack 3)(
What is the role of the hypothalamus,
How does the hypothalamus maintai...,
What is the definition of homeost...
19  cards
functioning of the brain and aggression: neurotransmitters (pack 3)
How is serotonin related to aggre...,
How are serotonin levels and the ...,
Evidence of the role of serotonin...
9  cards
Raine et al classic study (pack 3)
What was the control group like
18  cards
hormones and aggression (pack 3)
What researcher found a differenc...,
What is there a great deal of in ...,
What did barzman et al look into ...
12  cards
evolution and aggression (pack 3)
What research beginning with b fo...,
What did,
What researchers beginning with w...
6  cards
twin and adoption studies (pack 3)
How are twin studies done,
How are adoption studies done,
What is the rationale of twin stu...
7  cards
Gottesman and Shields study- twin studies (pack 3)
How did they collect data
6  cards
Ludeke (adoption studies- pack 3)
What traits was ludeke particular...,
What sample did ludeke study
7  cards
Freud's psychodynamic explanation of aggression (pack 3)
What does psychodynamic psycholog...,
What are two key assumption of th...,
What are the 3 main important are...
37  cards
issues and debates
Practical issues in the design an...,
11  cards
key question
What is the key question,
5  cards

More about
biological psychology

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