This class was created by Brainscape user Ophelia Grace. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Unit 1 (History & Organization)
Why is aristotle significant,
Why is copernicus significant,
Why is galileo significant
9  cards
Unit 1 (General Chemistry)
What does an atomic number represent,
What are the three shell model rules,
What are ionic bonds
20  cards
Unit 1 (Organic Chemistry)
Define organic chemistry,
What are hydrocarbons,
What forms the backbone of all bi...
9  cards
Unit 1 (Biochemistry)
What are the four classes of biol...,
What is the significance of carbo...,
What are the three sub types of c...
44  cards
Unit 2 Lab (Diffusion, Osmosis & Protists)
What group does paramecium belong to,
What are ciliates why are they ca...,
What are cilia
22  cards
Unit 2 Lab (Microorganisms)
What are the two types of microor...,
What are the four kingdoms of mic...,
What are the two types of microor...
65  cards
Unit 2 (Cells & Organelles)
What is a cell why are cells impo...,
What are the two basic types of c...,
What organisms are classified as ...
55  cards
Unit 2 (The Cell Cycle)
What are the,
What are the four steps of the ce...,
What is interphase
29  cards
Unit 2 (The Genome)
What is a genome,
What is a diploid how is a diploi...,
What are gametes
9  cards
Unit 2 (Cloning & Stem Cells)
What is the definition of clone,
What type of cloning cloned dolly...,
What are the basic steps of scnt ...
6  cards
Unit 2 (Ancient Biotechnology)
What were the two problems with d...,
When was the first cheese created,
How does one take milk and make c...
38  cards
Unit 3 Lab (Viruses)
What would one call an organism t...,
What does obligate intracellular ...,
What is a capsid
19  cards
Unit 3 (Mendelian Genetics)
What are mendelian genetics,
Who is the father of genetics whe...,
What is gregor mendel known for
33  cards
Unit 3 (Molecular Biology)
What is dna,
How many types of nucleotides are...,
Opposite dna strands are complime...
59  cards
(Unit 3 Lab) Digestion In Mammals
What is a heterotrophs what are a...,
What are the three types of heter...,
Explain a tube within a tube body...
40  cards
(Unit 3 Lab) Circulation & Gas Exchange in Mammals
Why are circulatory systems neces...,
What are the three main things bl...,
What do white blood cells do
36  cards
(Unit 4 Lab) The Immune System
What is the immune system s function,
What are the four kinds of non sp...,
What does non specific defense re...
26  cards
🖤 Unit 4 (Evolution- History, Mechanisms, Speciation, Origin of Life, Macroevolution)
Define evolution,
What is the 1 mechanism by which ...,
How old is the earth today
75  cards
🖤 Unit 4 (Evolution-Transitional Forms in the Fossil Record)
What is a transitional form in re...,
How did our ancestor move from se...,
What is the lungfish
5  cards

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biology 122

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