
This class was created by Brainscape user Eva McLoughlin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (62)

Microscopes - SB1
What are the magnifying lenses ca...,
What is the main platform called,
Name all the parts of the microscope
8  cards
Animal and plant cells - SB1
What are cells made from,
What do plant cells have that ani...,
Components of an animal cell
12  cards
Specialised cells - SB1
Describe the properties of a whit...,
Describe the properties of a red ...,
Name 3 specialised cells
9  cards
tests for substances (starch, lipids, reducing sugars, protein) - SB1
What does the iodine test show for,
What does the benedict solution t...,
What does the benedict solution t...
18  cards
Enzymes - SB1
What are enzymes,
What are enzymes purpose,
How do they aid you within digestion
29  cards
food molecules-SB1
What are the 3 categories of food...,
What do carbs starch break down into,
What do lipids break down into
5  cards
osmosis and diffusion - SB1
What is diffusion,
What is osmosis,
What is concentration
6  cards
active transport - SB1
What is active transport,
Why does active transport use energy,
What transfers molecules
5  cards
active sites and substrates - SB1
What is the active site,
How does the active site differ f...,
What does it mean when an active ...
6  cards
mass + percentage change - SB1
How do you calculate the change i...,
What is key when calculating,
What do you use to find the start...
3  cards
CORE PRACTICAL - testing food energy with a calorimeter - SB1
What does a calorimeter do,
What unit is energy measured in,
What is the purpose of a calorime...
7  cards
CORE PRACTICAL - osmosis in food slices - SB1
What apparatus is needed,
How long do you leave the samples...,
What is the dependant variable
8  cards
the brain - SB2
What are the main parts of the br...,
What are the roles of the spinal ...,
What are the roles of the medulla...
15  cards
nervous system - SB2
What is a neuron,
What is the central nervous syste...,
What is the sensory neuron
15  cards
The eye - SB2
What are the main parts of the eye,
What is the cornea,
What is the iris
10  cards
Growth in animals and plants - SB2
What does it mean to grow,
What are meristems
5  cards
Stem cells - SB2
What are stem cells,
What is true about plant stem cel...,
What is unique about embriotic st...
7  cards
Mitosis and meiosis - SB2/3
What is the definition of mitosis,
What is the definition of meiosis,
What is the first step of mitosis
16  cards
Inheritance - SB3
What is the difference between ge...,
List genetically inherited charac...,
List environmentally inherited ch...
4  cards
Mendelian genetics - SB3
What is a punnet square,
Describe a recessive gene,
Describe a dominant
6  cards
Sexual and asexual reproduction - SB3
What are common features of sexua...,
What are common features of asexu...,
What is the definition of mitosis
6  cards
What does dna stand for,
Where is dna found,
Structure of dna
12  cards
Genome - SB3
What is a genome,
Why is mapping the genome importa...
2  cards
protein synthesis - SB3
What is the order of ps steps,
Describe translation,
Describe trans
5  cards
DNA extraction - SB3
What equipment is needed to extra...,
What is the method for extracting...,
Why is dna extraction used
5  cards
Mutation - SB3
What is a mutation,
When is the chance of mutation in...
2  cards
Evolution, classification + genetic modification- SB4
Who invented the binomial system,
What is the binomial system,
What is evolution
30  cards
Tissue culture - SB4
What is tissue culture,
What is tissue culture useful for,
How are tissue cultures used in m...
4  cards
cardiovascular disease - SB5
What is cardiovascular disease,
What is mal nutrition,
What is obesity
12  cards
health and disease - SB5
Define health,
What are communicable diseases ca...,
What pathogen type causes tubercu...
11  cards
non communicable diseases - SB5
What is their effect on health,
What factors increase the risk of...,
What disease is risked by smoking
5  cards
pathogens/ spreading pathogens - SB5
What is the definition of hygiene,
What is the definition of epidemic,
What is the definition of transmi...
9  cards
Plant defences - SB5
What is the cuticle,
What is the physical barrier,
What are symptoms
10  cards
Virus lifecycle - SB5
What is a virus,
What is a lysis,
What is a bacterial lawn plate
6  cards
chemical and physical barriers - SB5
What is a lysozyme,
What is a physical barrier,
What is a chemical barrier
10  cards
lytic and lysogenic pathways - SB5
Describe the steps within the lyt...,
Describe the steps in the lysogen...,
What is a bacterial lawn plate
6  cards
transpiration and translocation SB6
What is transpiration,
What are xylem vessels what are i...,
What can be used to investigate t...
14  cards
photosynthesis - SB6
What is the symbol equation for p...,
How does photosynthesis provide e...,
How does photosynthesis provide e...
15  cards
The Endocrine System - SB7
Where are hormones produced,
What are hormones,
How does the endocrine system dif...
9  cards
menstrual cycle - SB7
What is the male reproductive hor...,
What is the female reprodctive ho...,
What is the menstrual cycle
27  cards
Controlling blood glucose + diabetes - SB7
What 2 hormones control blood glu...,
What is the process of regulating...,
What happens when blood glucose l...
13  cards
hormone control of metabolic rate - SB7
Where is thyroxine produced and w...,
Via n________ f_______how are thy...,
What 2 parts of the brain are imp...
9  cards
Thermoregulation - SB7
What ia the normal temperature of...,
Why are fevers and hypothermia da...,
What is the definition of thermor...
15  cards
Osmoregulation - SB7
What is osmoregulation,
What happens if the balance of wa...,
What does water help maintain
9  cards
The kidneys - SB7
Each kindey contains thousands of...,
Where is urine made
9  cards
Efficient transport and exchange - SB8
What do all chemical reactions in...,
What do kidneys remove why is it ...,
What do the lungs get rid of how ...
18  cards
Factors affecting diffusion - SB8
What is the definition of concent...,
What is the equation for concentr...,
How many cm3 is a dm3
9  cards
Circulatory/cardiovascular system - SB8
Which way does blood in arteries ...,
Which way does blood in the veins...,
What do arteries divide into
44  cards
Cellular respiration - SB8
What 3 things does the body requi...,
What is cellular respiration,
Why is respiration exothermic
11  cards
Ecosystems - SB9
What do organisms need to stay al...,
What conditions do plants require,
What conditions do animals require
13  cards
Energy transfer - SB9
How much energy is captured by ph...,
Where is energy from photosynthes...,
What are the trophic levels of a ...
12  cards
Abiotic factors and communities - SB9
What is distribution of organisms,
What is distribution affected by ...,
What are abiotic factors
15  cards
Assessing pollution - SB9
What is an indicator species,
What are the requirements for an ...,
Why is lichen an indicator specie...
10  cards
Parasitism and mutualism SB9
What kind of relationship is para...,
How does parasitism work,
How does the parasite live with t...
9  cards
Biodiversity + humans- SB9
What is the first step in eutroph...,
What is the second step in eutrop...,
What is the third step in eutroph...
14  cards
Preserving biodiversity - SB9
What is conseration,
What is an example of preserving ...,
What are some methods of preservi...
3  cards
Food Security - SB9
What is food security,
How can you increase food security,
Why is food security an issue
9  cards
The water cycle - SB9
Why must carbon nitrogen compound...,
What is step 1 of the water cycle
15  cards
The carbon cycle SB9
What type of organism plays a key...,
How does carbon dioxide enter a p...,
How does a plant turn carbon diox...
16  cards
The nitrogen cycle SB9
What of the atmosphere is nitrogen,
How much of the body is composed ...,
What type of gas is nitrogen
11  cards
Key words
Define digest,
Define a synthesys,
What is a monomer
8  cards
What is the dependant variable,
What is the independent variable,
What is the control variable
3  cards

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