
This class was created by Brainscape user Fadeelah Majeed. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Gas exchange
What is gas exchange,
Where does gas exchange occur,
What happens when you breathe in
6  cards
What is a drug,
What are medicinal drugs,
What are recreational drugs
5  cards
What is alcohol,
How can alcohol affect you,
How much alcohol can you drink sa...
5  cards
What are the risks of smoking,
Why are people who smoke risks to...,
What do tobacco smoke contain
10  cards
What happens when you breathe out,
What is lung volume
4  cards
Why is carbohydrates important,
Why is lipids important,
Why is p
7  cards
Unhealthy diet
Where does your energy come from,
Why is it unhealthy to be underwe...,
Why is it unhealthy to be overweight
7  cards
Aerobic respiration
What is the word equation for aer...,
Where does aerobic respiration ta...,
How does glucose get into cells
7  cards
anerobic respiration
What is the word equation for ane...,
What is the difference bwteen aer...,
What are negative aspects of anae...
9  cards
What is photosynthesis,
What is the word equation for pho...,
Where does photsynethesis take pl...
15  cards
leaves : photosynthesis
Why are leaves important for phto...,
How is a leaves adapted for phots...,
What is the function of the stomata
8  cards
investigating photosynthesis
How do you measure the rate of ph...,
Factors of rate of photosynthesis,
How does the light intensity affe...
11  cards
plant minerals
What minerals do plants need,
Where do plants get minerals from,
Nitrates purpose and defiency
7  cards
What does the term resolution mean,
What does magnification mean,
What does it mean if an image has...
8  cards
Animal,Plant and bacterial cells
What are eukaryotic cells,
What are prokaryotic cells,
What is in a animal cell
13  cards
Specialised cells
What are specialised cells,
What examples of specialised cell...,
What are examples of specialised ...
10  cards
Stem Cells
What are stem cells,
What are embryonic stem cells,
What are adult stem cells
11  cards
infection and response : diseases
7  cards

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