This class was created by Brainscape user Luna Perez-Escolar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Bio Topic 7
Which general group of people req...,
Why do pregnant breastfeeding wom...,
What is constipation caused by
62  cards
Bio Topic 8
What does the xylem transport,
What does the phloem transport,
Describe the position of the xyle...
19  cards
Biology Topic 9
What is the circulatory system,
What type of circulatory system d...,
Describe a single circulatory system
44  cards
Bio Topic 10
What is a pathogen,
What is a transmissible disease,
Give 5 ways diseases can be spread
17  cards
Bio Topic 11
Describe the structure of the lungs,
What are the features of an effic...,
What is the purpose of the cartil...
16  cards
Bio Topic 12
Give 7 uses of energy in the body,
What is respiration,
Define aerobic respirationchemica...
15  cards
Bio Topic 13
Where is urea formed,
Where is urea formed,
Which organ excretes carbon dioxide
12  cards
Bio 14
What is a nerve impulse,
What is the difference between th...,
What is a voluntary action
52  cards
Topic 16
What is asexual reproduction,
Give one advantage and one disadv...,
What is sexual reproduction
22  cards
Topic 15
What is a drug,
What type of drugs are given for ...,
Why are some antibiotics less eff...
7  cards
Topic 16 pt 2 -humans
State 2 functions of the testes,
State 2 functions of the penis,
State 2 functions of the male ure...
15  cards
Topic 16 Pt3- babies And Period
Briefly describe the early develo...,
What is the function of the umbil...,
What is the function of the placenta
24  cards
Topic 17
What is inheritance,
What is a chromosome,
What is a gene
31  cards
Topic 18
What is variation,
What is discontinuous variation w...,
What is continuous variation
18  cards
Topic 19
What is the main source of energy...,
Describe the flow of energy in bi...,
What is a food chain
36  cards
Topic 20
Give 5 ways that modern technolog...,
State the advantages of monocultures,
Give one reason why monoculture i...
23  cards

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