
This class was created by Brainscape user Danidhu Kavisekara. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Paper 1
Name the five parts of the animal...,
Name the 3 extra parts of the pla...,
What is the function of the cell ...
360  cards
What makes up every living organism,
What are the 5 features that are ...,
What is the purpose of the cell m...
41  cards
Growth and repair
What are the 2 types of cell divi...,
What does mitosis create in detail,
What 3 things are mitosis used for
31  cards
The brain and CNS
What 2 parts make up the cns,
What does cns stand fro,
What are the parts of the brain
26  cards
The Eye
What is the eye,
What structures in the eye focus ...,
What is the hole in the eye where...
21  cards
Reproduction and meiosis
What is reproduction,
What are the 2 different types of...,
What is sexual reproduction
12  cards
protein synthesis
What are the 2 stages in protein ...,
Where does transcription happen,
What happens in transcription
14  cards
Genetics and Inheritance
What is dna,
Where is dna found,
What is a chromosome
36  cards
Which 2 scientists discovered evo...,
What is natural selection,
Give 3 reasons why the theory of ...
15  cards
Genetic modification
What is genetic engineering,
What 2 characteristics are gm cro...,
What is a the method to make iden...
22  cards
Human Defences
What are the 2 types of human def...,
What is the point of chemical def...,
What is
19  cards
Plant defences
What are 4 examples of physical b...,
What are 2 chemical defences in p...,
What is aspirin made out of
15  cards
Health and disease
What is the definition for health,
What 3 factors make up health,
What is mental well being
44  cards
What are medicines,
What are the 3 steps to testing a...,
What is a preclinical testing
13  cards
Non-communicable diseases
1  cards

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