
This class was created by Brainscape user Rowan Knight. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

The nature and variety of living organisms
What do all living organisms do,
Whats the difference between prok...,
Cell membrane
12  cards
gas exchange and breathing
What happens when you breath in,
What happens when breathing out,
How are alveoli adapted for gas e...
5  cards
transport in animals-blood-vessels
What is plasma,
What is platelets,
Red blood cells
10  cards
Function of carbohydtrates,
Function of lipids,
Function of protein
14  cards
human influences
Why is carbon monoxide bad,
What is acid rain,
5  cards
human nutrition (enzymes and digestion)
Function of bile,
What is peristalsis,
What does amylase convert starch ...
12  cards
What s the word equation for anae...,
What s the word equation for anae...,
What s the word equation for aero...
4  cards
What is the word equation for pho...,
What is photosynthesis,
What are nitrates used for
5  cards
transport in plants
What does the xylem transport,
What does the phloem transport,
What is transpiration
4  cards
coordination and response
What are receptors,
What are effectors,
What are synapses
22  cards
Use Of Biological Resources
Advantages of pesticides,
Advantages of biological control ...,
Name two mineral in fertiliser an...
8  cards
human reproduction
Male reproductionsperm ductscrotu...,
Female reproductionfallopian tube...,
What is oestrogen and where is it...
10  cards
plant reproduction
What is asexual reproductiom,
What are,
Examples of asexual reproduction ...
12  cards
food test
How do you test for glucose,
How do you test for starch,
How you test for protein
5  cards
What is the ultra filtration and ...,
What is selective reabsorption an...,
What happens at the collecting duct
8  cards
genes-DNA-RNA and protein synthesis
Definition of a gene,
What can mutations do,
Definition of an allele
10  cards
the eye
How does the eye change when look...,
How does the eye change when look...
2  cards

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