This class was created by Brainscape user Grace Godwin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Mr P bio 1 carbohydrates
What is a monomer,
What is a polymer,
Name another polymer of glucose b...
40  cards
Mr P bio 2 proteins and lipids
What is the monomer for protein,
What is the group within the stru...,
What is the group within the stru...
37  cards
Mr P bio 3 Emzymes
What type of covalent bond is fou...,
What elements are found in all pr...,
What are the two types of protein
23  cards
Mr P bio 5 cells
What is the purpose of the nucleus,
What is the structure of the nucleus,
What is the function of the nucle...
31  cards
Mr P- bio 6 cell membranes
What are the charges on the diffe...,
Which part of the phospholipid is...,
What is the structure of the plas...
31  cards
Mr P bio 7 Nucleic Acids
What are the 3 components of a nu...,
What does dna stand for,
What is the monomer of dna
54  cards
Mr P bio 8 Protein Synthesis
What is the proteome,
What is the process of transcription,
What is the name for a coding seq...
15  cards
Mrs H bio 1 lungs and health studies
How do the reactants for aerobic ...,
How do the products of aerobic re...,
Where is the human gas exchange s...
25  cards
Mrs H bio 2 gas exchange
What are the thin plates that mak...,
What are gill filaments covered in,
How are lamellae
20  cards
Mrs H 3 stats
When should the chi squared test ...,
When should spearman s rank corre...,
When should the student s t test ...
3  cards
Mrs H bio 4 The Heart
What type of tissue is the heart ...,
What happens to the size of the f...,
What is the name of the blood ves...
22  cards
Mrs H bio 5 Mass Transport in Animals
What is the structure of a capillary,
What is the uses of the capillaries,
Name 4 adaptations of the capilla...
31  cards
Mrs H bio 6 haemoglobin
How many polypeptide chains is ha...,
How many subunits does a haemoglo...,
What type of bond are the globin ...
20  cards
Mrs H bio 7 Mass Transport in Plants
Give the 4 properties of water,
Why is water good as a solvent,
Why are h bonds in water useful
30  cards
Mr P bio 9 The cell cycle
What is a chromosome,
What protein is present in chromo...,
What is his histones role
12  cards

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