
This class was created by Brainscape user Zoe Alcock. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Water/ monomers + polymer
What does polar mean,
11  cards
17  cards
Role of lipids in biology,
Saturated fatty acid,
9  cards
Polypeptides (proteins)
Label an amino acid,
Explain the formation of a dipeptide,
Name the four types of amino acid...
11  cards
Describe the lock and key,
Induced fit model of enzymes,
Explain how enzymes act as biolog...
13  cards
Nucleic acids
General nucleotide formation,
Dna nucleotide formation,
Dna nucleotide formation
17  cards
Inorangic Ions
Calcium ca2,
Iron fe2,
Magnesium mg
6  cards
Microscopy and cells
What is the equation for magnific...,
Define magnification,
Define resolution
46  cards
Cell Cycle
Describes what happens in interph...,
Describe the second stage of inte...,
Describe the third stage of inter...
16  cards
Transport over membranes
Define the fluid mosaic model of ...,
Function of phospholipid,
Function of cholesterol
23  cards
Cell recognition and immunity
What are the key features of your...,
What are the key features of the ...,
Skin and skin flora commensal bac...
31  cards
Gas exchange
Correlation co effect,
Features of a strong correlation,
Why correlation cannot be sure th...
17  cards
Name the three enzymes and what t...,
Define digestion,
18  cards
Mass transport in animals
Describe the general pattern of b...,
Describe the pressure and volume ...,
Structure of artery
17  cards
Mass transport in Plants
Explain the cohesion tension theo...,
Describe xylem as the tissue that...,
Describe how to use a potometer t...
7  cards
Genetic code and protein synthesis
What is a gene,
What are the features of the gene...,
3  cards

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