
This class was created by Brainscape user charlotte staines. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

2.2 :Biological Molecules
State 3 functions of water,
What are the bonds between two wa...,
Why is water polo molecule
41  cards
2.1 :Cell Structure
What organelles do animal cells c...,
What organelles do you find in pl...,
What s the function and descripti...
28  cards
5.8 Respiration
Why do organisms need to respire,
Describe the structure of the mit...,
Describe the process of respiration
27  cards
5.7 Photosynthesis
What is the equation for photosyn...,
What are the two stages of photos...,
Describe the structure of the chl...
21  cards
2.3: nucleotides
What is the monomer for nucleic a...,
What elements are in a nucleotide,
What bond forms between two nucle...
24  cards
2.5 Cell Membranes
What is the structure of cell mem...,
What is the function of a cell me...,
What is the role of cholesterol i...
21  cards
5.2 Excretion
What is excretion,
What does excretion maintain,
What are the key metabolic wastes
28  cards
3.2 Transport in Animals
Why do multicellular animals need...,
What are the four types of circul...,
What a closed circulatory system
52  cards
2.4 Enzymes
What are enzymes,
What are the two models,
Explain the locking key theory
19  cards
2.6 Cell divison and organisation
What stages are in the cell cycle,
What does the m phase involve,
What parts of the cell cycle happ...
37  cards
3.1 Exchange Surfaces
Why don t single cellar organisms...,
What are the features of a specia...,
How are mammals adapted for gas e...
21  cards
3.3 Transport in Plants
How many transport systems do pla...,
Draw out where the xylem and phlo...,
What are the adaptations of a xylem
28  cards
5.5 Animal responses
1  cards
5.6 Plant responses
Why do plants respond to stimuli,
What is abiotic stress,
What is herbivory
30  cards
6.1 Cellular Control
What is a mutation,
What is a substitution mutation,
What is a deletion mutation
4  cards
6.2 Patterns of inheritence
0  cards
6.3 Manipulating Genomes
0  cards
6.4 Cloning and Biotechnology
0  cards
6.5 Ecosystems, Populations and sustainability
0  cards
4.1 Disease
What is a disease,
What is a pathogen and give examples,
What is a communicable disease
54  cards
4.2 Biodiversity
What is biodiversity,
What are the three types of biodi...,
What is species richness
26  cards
4.3 Classification and Evolution
What is classification,
What is taxonomy,
What is the 8 levels of taxonomic...
12  cards
5.1 Communication and homeostasis
Why do multicellular organisms ne...,
How do cells communicate with eac...,
What is homeostasis
21  cards
5.3 Nerves
0  cards
5.4 Hormones
0  cards

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