
This class was created by Brainscape user Kizzy Pugh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Plant responses
What is a tropism,
What factors do plants respond to,
What is iaa and what does it do
7  cards
Taxes and kinesis
What is taxes,
What is a positive taxis,
What is a negative taxis
17  cards
What are the 3 photoreceptors,
What does the pacinian corpuscle ...,
What is the role of the sodium ch...
17  cards
Resting potentials and action potentials
What is the resting potential,
What parts are there to a myelina...,
What is the cell body
15  cards
Factors affecting speed of conductance
What are the 3 factors,
Explain myelination and saltatory...,
What is saltatory conduction
5  cards
What are synapses,
Explain the function of synapses 6,
Why do neurotransmitters only mov...
12  cards
Control of heartrate
What does the cardiac muscle bein...,
Where is the san located,
What does san stand for
21  cards
What do muscles act as,
Antagonistic meaning,
What is a myofibril made up of
44  cards
Aerobic respiration
What are the 4 key stages,
Where does glycosis occur,
Which respiration does glycosis o...
16  cards
Anaerobic respiration
Where does it occur,
What is the first step,
What happens after glycosis
7  cards
Meiosis and genetic variation
What can mutations be caused by,
What is the definition of mutation,
What is a gene mutation
25  cards
What is meant by homeostasis,
What are 3 examples of homeostasis,
Why does blood ph have to be cont...
80  cards
Inherited change
What is a gene,
What is a locus,
What is an allele
32  cards
What is the hardy weinberg princi...,
What is the definition of population,
What is the definition of gene pool
37  cards
What is an ecosystem,
What are abiotic factors,
What are biotic factors
44  cards
Gene expression
What is a gene mutation,
When do gene mutations occur,
What is a mutagenic agent
53  cards
Gene technology
What is meant by recombinant gene...,
Through which methods can dna be ...,
How does reverse transcription is...
7  cards
Cell organelles
Endoplasmic reticulum,
14  cards

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