
This class was created by Brainscape user Dan Fonai. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Biological Molecules (proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids)
What is a monomer,
What are polymers,
State 3 examples of monomers
26  cards
Main Topic 1: Biological molecules ( proteins)
What are the monomers of proteins,
What is the general structure of ...,
What does the r group in the prot...
29  cards
Main topic 1: Biological molecules (lipids)
What are the two groups of lipids,
How is a triglyceride formed,
What is an ester bond
25  cards
What type of energy reaction do a...,
What is an activation energy,
State the meaning of the term enzyme
13  cards
Microscopy and magnification
What arevthe two main types of mi...,
Whta is the stage in light micros...,
Where is light focused in a light...
16  cards
Cell structure ( Eukaryotic and prokaryotic) + Virus structure
Describe the nucleus and the func...,
Describe a vesicle and it function,
Describe the ribosomes and its fu...
22  cards
Cell fractination , and centrifugation
State and explian the three main ...,
Explain why the solution containi...,
What have we done when we broke u...
9  cards
Roles and structures of membranes.
What does the cell membrane mainl...,
What is the function of the phosp...,
What is cholesterol and what is t...
8  cards
Explain how water is a metabollite,
Explain how water is a solvent,
Explain how and why water has a h...
6  cards
What is water potential,
What is the water potential of pu...,
What happens when the solute conc...
11  cards
Define passive transport,
What are the two types of diffusi...,
Descsribe passive transport
18  cards
State all the three components of...,
What does atp stand for,
Explain how atp is made
9  cards
Active transport
Define active transport,
Explain how one particle can be t...,
Describe how you can actively tra...
6  cards
Recognising non-self cells
What are self cells,
What are non self cells,
What is an immune response
10  cards
B-Cells and T-Cells.
What are the two main types of ly...,
Explain where b cells stay and ma...,
Explain where t cells stay and ma...
23  cards
antigen presenting cells, and cell mediated response.
Explain why t cells dont bind to ...,
What are the 3 types of antigen p...,
What are the two types of t cells
6  cards
monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, and HIV
State the two ways in which monoc...,
Explain how monoclonal antibodies...,
Explain how monoclonal antibodies...
17  cards
Gas exchange in fish and insects
What is the main site of gas exha...,
Explain the structure of an insec...,
What are the 4 adaptations for ef...
12  cards
gas system and ventilation in humans.
State what is meant by ventilation,
State all th structures of th hum...,
What are the majour muscles we us...
11  cards
Transport of water, and gas exchange in plants.
What type of leaf do we need to l...,
Describe the structure of a dicot...,
Describe gas exhange in plants
15  cards
digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
Where does the digestion of carbo...,
Explain the whle process of starc...,
Where can sucrose mainly be found
15  cards
DNA and Chromosomes
What is a triplet,
What is the genetic code,
What are the 3 features of the ge...
20  cards
protein synthesis in eukaryotes
What does rna stand for,
Compare dna to rna,
What is the main function of mrna
17  cards
Circulatory systems in animals and the heart
What are the 4 main types of bloo...,
What is the functio of the arteri...,
What structures do all blood vess...
14  cards

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