
This class was created by Brainscape user Nathan Walsh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

The Scientific Method
Define biology,
What are the steps of the scienti...,
Define observation
13  cards
Define ecology,
Define biosphere,
Define ecosystem
31  cards
Study Of An Ecosystem
Devices that may be used to colle...
1  cards
0  cards
What does adp stand for,
What does atp stand for,
What is the 5 carbon sugar found ...
17  cards
Define variation,
What is a species,
What is heredity
21  cards
Genetic Crossed And Heredity
0  cards
Variation And Evolution
0  cards
Genetic Engineering
0  cards
0  cards
Define biomolecules,
Give reasons why organisms need food,
What are the elements found in ca...
34  cards
Sexual Reproduction
Where are the male sex cells prod...,
Where are the female gametes prod...,
What is a gonad
46  cards
Cell Division
What is cell continuity,
What are chromosomes,
When a cell isn t dividing what n...
20  cards
The Nervous System
What is stimulus,
What is the central nervous system,
What is the peripheral nervous sy...
39  cards
The Senses
Give a description of the eyelids,
Give a description of the conjunc...,
Give a description of the cornea
27  cards
The Endocrine System
What are glands,
Define exoxrine gland and give an...,
Define endocrine glands and give ...
12  cards
The Skeleton And Muscular Systems
What are the main functions of th...,
What bones make up the axial and ...,
What bones make up the pectoral g...
24  cards
What is the composition of blood,
What are antibodies,
What are the main proteins found ...
18  cards
Human Nutrition (Digestive System)
Differentiate between herbivores ...,
What is the need for the digestiv...,
What is digestion
28  cards
Viruses And Human Defense System
What are the 2 different defense ...,
What are some examples of the 1st...,
What are some examples of the 2nd...
13  cards

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