
This class was created by Brainscape user Loane Bertsche. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

unit 1 condensed
Draw diagram of prokaryote,
Draw diagram of eukaryote,
Outline functions of prokaryote c...
16  cards
Cell division 1.6
State the function of mitosis,
List processes which involve mitosis,
What are the names of the four ph...
22  cards
unit 2 condensed
State if the following molecules ...,
Outline the mechanism of transpor...,
Explain three thermal properties ...
11  cards
molecules to metabolism 2.1
Define molecular biology,
List the four major classes of ca...,
Compare the benefits of a reducti...
24  cards
unit 3 part 1
Define allelelist two examples of...,
State the source of new alleles o...,
What are beneficial detrimental o...
21  cards
unit 3 part 2.
Define meiosis,
What happens before meiosis,
What happens in meiosis 1
26  cards
unit 4
Define specie,
Define population,
Define community habitat abiotic ...
33  cards
unit 5
Define evolution,
Use an example to explain how sel...,
Explain the process of artificial...
19  cards
digestive system 6.1
Outline the role of peristalsis i...,
List the name and substrate of th...,
List the name substrate and produ...
23  cards
cardiac system 6.2
State the function of arteries,
Outline the role of elastic and m...,
State the reason for toughness of...
31  cards
defense against infectious disease 6.3
Define pathogen,
What is the first line of defence...,
State two benefits of blood clott...
18  cards
gas exchange 6.4
Define gas exchange and ventilation,
State the location of gas exchang...,
Draw a diagram showing the struct...
17  cards
neurons and synapses 6.5
State the function of the nervous...,
Draw the structure of a neuron an...,
Outline the structure and functio...
27  cards
Explain the control of blood gluc...,
Describe the structure and functi...,
Outline thyroxin s role in body t...
33  cards
7.1 DNA and DNA replication
Draw and label the structure of a...,
Explain the levels of supercoiling,
Describe dna replication
12  cards
7.2 DNA Transcription and Gene expression
Outline the process of transcription,
Describe the three post transcrip...,
Why is splicing necessary for gen...
11  cards
7.3 DNA Translation
Outline the process of translation,
State the difference between free...,
Describe the primary structure of...
10  cards
metabolism 8.1
Contrast metabolic chain reaction...,
Define activation energy,
Explain the role of enzymes in lo...
11  cards
Cell respiration 8.2
Define oxidation and reduction re...,
State the name of the electron ca...,
Outline the glycolysis reaction i...
18  cards
photosynthesis 8.3
State the location of the light d...,
What does the light dependent rea...,
Explain light dependent reactions
16  cards
Unit 9
Define meristem,
Compare apical and lateral meristems,
Outline role of mitosis in growth...
67  cards
Unit 10
Draw a diagram to illustrate the ...,
Contrast meiosis i with meiosis ii,
Describe random orientation and i...
6  cards
Option D.1 To D.3
What causes malnutrition,
Are amino acids essential,
What is pku
33  cards
Option D.2
Explain how steroid and peptide h...,
2  cards
unit 11
Outline the role of cell markers ...,
Outline the process of antibody p...,
Outline the different ways in whi...
21  cards
Unit 9 Plants
What are the layers of tissue in ...,
Outline the structure of the phloem,
Outline how the phloem translocat...
3  cards

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