
This class was created by Brainscape user Isaac D. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

B1 - Cell structure and transport
0  cards
B2 - Cell Division
How do bacteria multiply,
How often can bacteria divide,
How many chromosomes does a body ...
17  cards
B3 - Organisation and the Digestive System
Definition of a tissue,
Definition of an organ,
Definition of an organ system
29  cards
B4 - (Part 1) Organising Animals
What are the components of blood,
How to differentiate between the ...,
What is plasma and what is its fu...
27  cards
B4 - (Part 2) Organising Plants
Examples of plant organs,
Function of the upper and lower e...,
Function of the waxy cuticle
20  cards
B5 - Communicable Diseases
Non specific defence systems in t...,
Roles of the immune system,
Role of phagocytes
13  cards
B6 - Preventing and Treating Disease
How does vaccination work,
What is herd immunity and why is ...,
First antibiotic discovered
21  cards
B7 - Non-communicable diseases
Read BBC Bitesize pages on this for the graph analysis
24  cards
B8 - Photosynthesis
What is photosynthesis,
Equations for photosynthesis,
Factors that affect the rate of p...
18  cards
B9 - Respiration
Why is energy needed in animals,
What is respiration,
Equation for aerobic respiration
16  cards
Required Practicals Paper 1
Parts of the microscope and their...,
How to prepare an onion cell slide,
How to use the microscope to view...
3  cards
B10 - The human nervous system
What is homeostasis,
Examples of internal conditions t...,
What does the nervous system allow
27  cards
B11 - Hormonal coordination
What is the endocrine system and ...,
Key glands in the endocrine syste...,
Role of the pituitary gland
23  cards
B12 - Homeostasis in Action
What is body tempertaure controll...,
How does the body transfer more h...,
What is sweat made of
25  cards
B13 - Reproduction
0  cards
B14 - Variation and Evolution
What is variation,
What two things contribute to var...,
Examples of variation caused by g...
23  cards
B15 - Genetics and Evolution
0  cards
B16 - Adaptations, Interdependence and Competition
What is a population,
What is a community,
What is an ecosystem
25  cards
B18 - Biodiversity and Ecosystems
What is biodiversity,
Advantages of a high biodiversity,
Reasons for deforestation
32  cards

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