
This class was created by Brainscape user Annie Lempidaki. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

excretion and the kindey
What is egestion,
What is excretion,
What needs to happen is there exc...
19  cards
Human nutrition
What does iodine solution test for,
If starch is present what colour ...,
How to test for glucose
34  cards
coordination and response
Which neurone gives the central n...,
Which neurone does the central ne...,
What is a reflex arc
39  cards
Protein synthesis
What are the two steps of protein...,
Where is the dna kept in the cell,
Why does the gene have to be copied
15  cards
2  cards
nitrogen cycle
What is the process called where ...,
What is the bacteria used to conv...,
What is nitrification
11  cards
nature and variety of organisms
What is diffusion,
What is osmosis,
What are two key features of stem...
24  cards
the eye
What is the part of the eye that ...,
Features of the cornea,
What is the purpose of the cornea
25  cards
blood and organs
What do arteries do,
What do veins do,
What do capillaries do
22  cards
seeds and germination
What is germination,
What are the main components of t...,
What are the three main factors n...
6  cards
plant nutrition and transport
What is the word and chemical equ...,
Where does photosynthesis occur,
How do plants get the carbon diox...
18  cards
use of biological resources
What temperature is the milk past...,
What bacteria is added to milk wh...,
What happens after lactobacillus ...
13  cards
respiration and gas exchange
Chemical and word equation for re...,
When does anaerobic respiration h...,
What is the word equation for ana...
15  cards
reproduction and inheritance
What is the role of fsh in the me...,
What is puberty,
What is the role of oestrogen in ...
31  cards
What are fertilisers,
What are the three main elements ...,
Negative impacts fertilisers can ...
6  cards

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