
This class was created by Brainscape user Naomi Barnor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

The nature and variety of living organisms
What are the 8 characteristics th...,
List the eukaryotic organisms,
List the prokaryotic organism
45  cards
Structure and functions in living organisms
What does a plant cell have that ...,
What is the function of the mitoc...,
What is the function of the cell ...
26  cards
Movement of substances
What is diffusion,
What is osmosis,
What is active transport
26  cards
What is photosynthesis,
What is the equation for photosyn...,
What goes above and below the arr...
25  cards
Balanced Diet
What are all the component in a b...,
What is the function of carbohydr...,
What is the function of protein
22  cards
Alimentary canal
What is the meaning of digestion,
What do salivary glands contain,
What happens in the mouth
22  cards
enzymes- break down
What doe starch get broken down to,
How does starch get broken down i...,
What does protein get broken down to
6  cards
What is respiration,
Why is atp needed,
What does atp do
9  cards
Smoking effcets
What are the six effects of smoking,
What is the effct,
What is the effect of carbon mono...
10  cards
What is the role of oestrogen,
What is the function of progesterone,
Where is oestrogen produced in th...
9  cards
Ecology and the environment
What is the definition of community,
What is the definition of population,
What is the definition of habitat
27  cards
Use of biological resources
What is yoghurt,
What is the use of lactobacillus ...,
What are the advantages of using ...
5  cards
Practical investigation Methods
What is the test for starch,
What is the test for glucose and ...,
What is the test for lipids and p...
10  cards

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