biology a2 content

This class was created by Brainscape user Caitlin Flory. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

What is a transcription factor,
How does oestrogen effect gene ex...,
What tissues does oestrogen effec...
18  cards
3.5.1 Photosynthesis
What type of membrane does a chlo...,
What is the grana,
Describe the function of a chloro...
66  cards
3.5.2 Respiration
What are the products of glycolysis,
What is glycolysis,
What is the krebs cycle
78  cards
3.5.3 Energy in Ecosystems
How do plants use the sugars from...,
What is biomass,
Suggest the units for biomass
18  cards
3.5.4 Nutrient Cycles
Name the general stages in the ph...,
Why is the phosphorus cycle a slo...,
What happens during weathering an...
21  cards
3.6.1 Stimuli, both internal and external, are detected and lead to a response
What is the taxis,
What is kinesis,
What does negative photo taxis mean
125  cards
3.6.2 Nervous coordination
Name two types of effector,
Name the two coordination centres...,
What is the gap between neurones ...
85  cards
3.6.3 Skeletal muscles are stimulated to contract by nerves and act as effectors
Name the 3 types of muscle in the...,
What does the phrase antagonistic...,
Describe the gross structure of s...
18  cards
3.6.4 Homeostasis
What is homeostasis,
Why is it important that core tem...,
Why is it important that blood ph...
38  cards
3.7.1 Inheritance
What are alleles,
What is a dominant allele,
What is the genotype
33  cards
3.7.2 Populations
Define species,
Define population,
Define gene pool
8  cards
3.7.3 Evolution may lead to speciation
Give genetic factors that cause p...,
Other than genetic factors why el...,
Why does natural selection occur
12  cards
3.7.4 Populations in Ecosystems
Define community,
Define ecosystem,
Describe biotic and abiotic facto...
21  cards
3.8.1 Alterations in base sequence in DNA can alter structure of proteins
What is a mutation,
What are the three types of mutation,
What does degenerate code mean
27  cards
3.8.2 Gene Expression is controlled by a number of features
What can totipotent stem cells do,
Where when are totipotent cells p...,
Where when are pluripotent stem c...
73  cards
3.8.3 Using genome projects
What is the genome,
What is genome sequencing,
What is the proteome
7  cards
3.8.4 Gene Technologies
How is reverse transcriptase used...,
How do restriction endonucleases ...,
Why are sticky ends useful
61  cards
key words
0  cards
essay titles
What topics link to the importanc...,
What topics link to energy transf...,
What topics link to the control o...
4  cards

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biology a2 content

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