biology as snab

This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Kendrick. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

T2L3 Protein Structure
What are the five main parts of a...,
Describe what the primary structu...,
What is the secondary structure o...
10  cards
T2L6 Structure of DNA and RNA
Name the 3 components of a dna nu...,
Name the 4 bases in dna,
How many strands make up dna and ...
13  cards
T2L7 Protein Synthesis
What is the first stage of transc...,
What is the second stage of,
Describe the structure of trna
4  cards
T1L1 The heart
Name the 4 chambers of the heart,
Name the vessel that carries oxyg...,
Name the vessel that carries oxyg...
11  cards
T1L2 Blood Vessels
Name and describe the 4 parts of ...,
Name and describe the 5 parts of ...,
Explain two features of preventin...
9  cards
T1L5 Blood Clotting and Atherosclerosis
Describe the process of myocardia...,
What is angina,
What is the difference between a ...
17  cards
T1L7 Factors affecting CVD
Name 6 risk factors for cvd,
Name the 2 non modifiable risk fa...,
Explain the role of age as a risk...
12  cards
T1L8 Reducing the risk of CVD
How do ace inhibitors work,
What are some side effects of ace...,
How do calcium channel blockers work
11  cards
T1L10 Carbohydrates: Monosaccharides and Disaccharides
Name the three monosaccharides,
Name the three disaccharides and ...,
What is the formula of glucose
6  cards
T1L11 Carbohydrates: Polysaccharides
Name the two components of starch,
Describe amylose and amylopectin,
4  cards
T2L1 The lungs and gas exchange
Explain how gas exchange occurs i...,
Explain what fick s law is and sh...,
Name an ddescribe the two types o...
4  cards
T2L2 Cell Membranes
What is the main component of the...,
What forms due to the structure o...,
Explain the fluid mosaic model
6  cards
T2L4 Transport across Membranes
What is diffusion,
What types of molecules transport...,
What is facillitated diffusion
12  cards
T2L8 DNA Replication + Meselson and Stahl
Describe the process f dna replic...,
Name the three possible theories ...,
Describe the process in the mesel...
4  cards
T1L12 Lipids
Describe draw the structure of a ...,
Structure of one fatty acid,
Structure of three fatty acids
16  cards
T2L10 enzymes
What are enzymes,
Draw and label the lock and key m...,
How do enzymes work
16  cards
T2L12 Genetic inheritance and meiosis
What is a locus,
Define recessive,
Define dominant heterozygous
10  cards
T2L9 Mutations and CF
Explain the genetic cause of cyst...,
Name 5 types of mutation,
Describe a deletion mutation
8  cards
T2L13 The effect of CF on the body
What is the root cause of problem...,
What affect does cf have on the d...,
What effect does cf have on sweat...
5  cards
T2L14 Genetic Screening and gene therapy
What is genetic screening,
Name 5 types of screening,
Describe the use of carrier testing
8  cards
T4 Key Words
Abiotic factor,
Biotic factor
14  cards
T3L1 Ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells
Name the 9 main structures in a e...,
Describe the structure function o...,
Describe the rer
9  cards
T3L2 Prokaryotic cell ultrastructure
Name the 10 features of a prokary...,
Are all structures present in eve...,
Describe fimbrae pilli
7  cards
T3L3 Rough ER and Golgi
Describe the structure of the rer...,
Describe the role of the rer in p...,
What happens when proteins leave ...
6  cards
T3L5 Mitosis
Name and describe the stages of i...,
What are chromosomes counted by,
What type of cells does mitosis o...
12  cards
T3L7 Gametes
What are gametes,
Through what process are gametes ...,
Name the parts of the mammalian egg
14  cards
T3L8 Meiosis
Describe the process of meiosis,
What is crossing over,
What is independent assortment
3  cards
T3L9 Linkage and Sex Linkage
Does linkage increase or decrease...,
What is the position of a gene on...,
What are two reasons that genes a...
17  cards
T3L10/11 Stem Cells
What is a totipotent stem cell,
What is a pluripotent stem cell,
What are multipotent stem cells g...
29  cards
T3L12 Organisation
How are cells organised during de...
1  cards
T3: Gene expression, the lac operon and epigenetics
What two types of transcription f...,
Where does rna polymerase bind to...,
Where do tfs bind to
25  cards
T4L1 Biodiversity and Species richness
Name the three types of adaptation,
Describe what an anatomical adapt...,
Describe what a behavioural adapt...
6  cards
Suggest how natural selection has...,
Name the three types of variation,
Explain what stabilising variatio...
9  cards
T4L3 Classification
Hierarchical system kpcofgs,
What are the two things used in t...,
What is the furthest back thing o...
16  cards
Name the 4 main conservation stra...,
Describe the purpose of education,
Describe the purpose of seed banks
13  cards
T4L5 Plant cell structures
Name 7 structures unique to plant...,
Function of,
Function of
26  cards
T4: Seeds for sustianability
Name the types of tissue in plant...,
What is the epidermis,
What is ground tissue
5  cards
T4: Drug testing
Name the phases of modern drug te...,
Describe william withering s proc...
2  cards

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biology as snab

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