biology b6

This class was created by Brainscape user Destiny Allison. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Reproduction and Meiosis
What is asexual reproduction,
What is sexual reproduction,
What is fertilisation
11  cards
DNA and the genome
What is inside the nucleus,
What is a gene,
What is a genome
5  cards
DNA Structure
What is the structure of dna,
What are the four bases and what ...,
How do bases code for amino acid
5  cards
Genetic Inheritance &
How many chromosomes does our bod...,
How many chromosomes does sex cells,
What is an allele
9  cards
Genetic Disorders
What is the cause of inherited di...,
What is polydactyl and what is th...,
What is cystic fibrosis and what ...
6  cards
The Understanding of Genetics
What was mendel s conclusion on t...,
What is the importance of mendel ...
2  cards
What is discontinuous,
What is continuous,
What is variation
5  cards
Evolution and extinction,
What is the theory of evolution,
What is darwin s theory of evolution,
How does extinction occur
4  cards
Evolutionary Theories and Speciation,
What are species,
Why was darwin s book on the orig...,
How does speciation occur
3  cards
Evidence for Evolution,,
How do fossils form,
Why are fossil records incomplete
2  cards
Resistant bacteria
How do bacteria develop antibioti...,
What are the causes of antibiotic...,
How is the development of antibio...
3  cards
Selective breeding
What is meant by the term artific...,
Describe selective breeding in da...,
What is the process of selective ...
5  cards
Genetic engineering
What is genetic engineering,
How is insulin made,
How do you genetically modify cro...
5  cards
What are clones,
What are examples of natural clones,
What are the possible uses of clo...
6  cards

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biology b6

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