biology - macromolecules

This class was created by Brainscape user Unknown Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

36  cards
Glucose 6 phosphate,
15  cards
Glycogen Questions
What is the general structure of ...,
What is the general mechanism of ...,
What initiates glycogen and what ...
22  cards
Islets of langerhans,
51  cards
Aerobic glycolysis,
Anerobic glycolysis,
What do the two types of glycolys...
25  cards
Glycolysis Steps
What are the sources of glucose,
Where are the glycolytic enzymes ...,
59  cards
Citric Acid Cycle
Citric acid cycle,
What happens in each step of cac,
What do nadh and fadh2 contribute to
22  cards
What is the cac,
What does one complete cycle of c...,
What is the reaction pathway of cac
28  cards
Citric Acid Cycle Steps
Citrate synthase,
1 why is it important the oxaloac...
36  cards
Lipid Properties
Structurually what are fatty acids,
What form are fatty acids mostly in
47  cards
Lipid Metabolism
How much of dietary fats do tags ...,
What do tags consist of,
Why does lipid digestion take pla...
45  cards
Lipid Digestion
What are the 4 most predominant d...,
Where does digestion begin,
What secretes lingual lipases
33  cards
Fatty Acid Oxidation
How are adipocyte tags mobilised ...,
In metabolic demand what results ...,
20  cards
NAD+ and FAD Redox Reactions
Redox reaction,
37  cards
What does nad do in glycolysis,
Which step in glycolysis uses nad,
Hydride transfer
29  cards
What are the endergoni processes ...,
What is the structure of atp,
What are the two general reaction...
19  cards

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biology - macromolecules

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