biology - microbiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Unknown Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Microorganisms - Overview
What does microbiology study,
What do pathogens do
26  cards
Virus - Structure/Function
How much of our genome is viral,
What is a virus composed of
38  cards
Virus - Classification
What is viral naming based on,
What two committes deal with vira...,
What is the critera of the ictv
16  cards
Virus - Infection
What are the four ways viruses ca...,
What does transformation infectio...,
What is the process of transforma...
30  cards
Microorganisms - Cell Growth
What macromelements do bacteria c...,
What are the most important micro...,
27  cards
Structure - Introduction
What does prokaryotic dna look like,
What are the three types of bacte...
19  cards
Structure - LPS
What are the three poritons of lps,
What is the function of lipid a
37  cards
Structure - Peptidoglycans
What is the function of peptidogl...,
What is the general structure of ...,
What are glycan strands composed of
33  cards
Structure - Bacterial Movement
What are the three structures of,
What is the function of the basal...,
Ms ring
33  cards
Structure - Bacterial Alternate Structures
Cell inclusions,
Why do bacteria prefer carbon sto...,
General structure of poly beta hy...
40  cards
Infection - Bacterial Resistance
Intrinsic resistance,
What are the types of intrinsic r...,
How do efflux pumps work
41  cards
Pathology - Bacterial Growth
What are the macroelements bacter...,
What microelements are used for b...,
What is p important for
54  cards
Pathology - Gram Negative Bacteria
Gram negative bacteria,
What are the two groups of gnb in...,
33  cards
Pathology - Pathogenesis
Why does the host have different ...
42  cards
Pathology - Antibiotics History
Antimicrobial resistance,
What does antimicrobial resistanc...,
What are examples of antibiotics ...
32  cards
Biochemistry - Pathogenesis and Virulence
What two factors can describe pat...,
49  cards
Biochemistry - Bacterial Conjugation
In what communities does conjugat...,
What is the function of conjugation
48  cards
Biochemistry - Binary Fission
What are the different types of g...,
What is the process of binary fis...,
Cell cycle
19  cards
Biochemistry - Bacteria Communication
Quorum sensing,
What does ai concentration increa...,
What happens when ai concentratio...
34  cards

More about
biology - microbiology

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