biology y10

This class was created by Brainscape user Mollie Beeton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

What is ecology,
What is a stable community,
Define the term habitat
10  cards
3.1 Tissues and organs
How do specialised cells become o...,
How do several different tissues ...,
Define the word tissue
8  cards
3.4 catalysts and enzymes
Whats a catylsist,
Whats an enzyme,
Whats the active site of an enzyme
4  cards
8.3How plants use glucose
What do plant and algal cells use,
Why do plants produce fats or oils,
Why do plants and algae produce c...
12  cards
9.2The response to excersise
To enable muscles to contract wha...,
During respiration,
During excersise what does the hu...
5  cards
9.3 Anaerobic respiration
Anaerobic respiration takes place,
Why is anaerobic respiration not ...,
Why is less energy transferred du...
5  cards
Respiration and metabolism + excersise
What is respiration the process of,
Respiration is ethermic,
By using 3examples explain how or...
17  cards
Homeostasis and the nervous system
What is the role of a receptor,
Why is it important to maintain a...,
Whats the difference between inte...
26  cards
Using units1kilometre 1m 1cm 1mm 1um,
Whats a light microscope,
What are the key features of a li...
35  cards
B.3cell organisation and role of enzymes
What is a tissue,
What is an organ,
What is an organ system
30  cards
What are the two main roles of th...,
Name all the organs that food pas...,
The digestive system is an exampl...
20  cards
structures of the heart
3components of the circulatory sy...,
Aorta functiom,
Vena cava
17  cards
B.4 organisation in us
Whats the role of circulatory system,
What make up the human circulator...,
State what red blood cells contain
19  cards
B.4 Organisation in plants
What does xylem tissue do,
What does phloem do,
What is transpiration
23  cards
B5 Health and Disease
What is health,
Definition of a non communicable ...
31  cards
B6 Preventing and treating disease
What is vaccination,
What happens if a pathogen enters...,
State what vaccinations do
15  cards
B7 Non-communicable diseases
State what a non communicable dis...,
State risk factors for,
What are benign tumours
13  cards
B8 Photosynthesis
What do all organisms need,
How do plants make their own food,
How does photosynthesis produce g...
27  cards
Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration
Fact about aerobic respiration,
What does aerobic respiration rea...,
Whats produced from aerobic respi...
24  cards

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biology y10

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